An Atheist's opinion of the Moral Compass

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Apr 14, 2010, 5:11:03 AM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

One of the most popular arguements by Christians in support of their
faith is the existence and origin of our 'Moral Compass'. I'll have
to be honest and state that this is a logical arguement for Christians
and it is one of the most compelling which I have read. I will
substitute the acronymn MC for the rest of my post(s) as I have
already stated what it refers to and since it's a popular term in
these ongoing debates.

Moral Compass
Part of Speech: n
Definition: anything which serves to guide a person's decisions
based on morals or virtues
Example: Hopefully, the lawyer has a moral compass.

The typical Christian stance on the MC:

The opinion of Christians is that it's existence and purpose denotes
our ability to distinguish right from wrong, and that the core rules
of this device indicates that we are meant to follow Christianity
since they are what they believe are good (or right). The appended
arguement is that the origin of this had to have been designed by God,
which is the core of Christianity.

An Atheist's stance on the MC:

My Atheistic opinion of it's origin and function is that it has always
existed in living forms, and has constantly been evolving over a very
long coarse of time until we have it instilled in us at it's most
refined form. Many Atheists say that it's the law of Natural
Selection, but I don't like the outdated term in being applied to
humans which have the ability to reason.

In this more lengthy description of my opinion I will try to explain
my stance on the matter by announcing well known, universal truths to
back up my claim. I don't want to turn this into a debate, and I want
everyone to see why I've come to this conclusion by utilizing what we
know and can see every day.

I will start with the smallest thing I have seen and observed as both
a Christian and now as an Atheist. Ants are very small, and do not
have the obligation or choice to have to submit to a religion. I
think we can both agree that they collectively do what's best for
their nest in order to survive and flourish, can't we? If you watch a
mound for any length of time I think you will find that their 'crime'
rate is particularly low, and comparable to human societies.

A mothering bird will bring food back for her hatchling without any
moral obligations. She doesn't question why she has to do this, but
if she doesn't the hatchling will certainly die. The hatchling's
mother will even give her chick the ol' boot when it is old enough to
become independent, but she doesn't have another family close enough
to use as an example. Is there a Christian here who would disagree
with this?

A school of pirhannas can devour a calf in less than 20 minutes, but
they never bite each other. Is it because of rules, or is it because
their minds know that it's detrimental to their survival? I know this
is a tired metaphor, but it is certainly relevant to my arguement.
The funny thing is that I make an analogy of pirhannas and Christians
to humor my friends, but I will refrain from posting it here for the
sake of preserving my internet integrity!

How does this relate to morals?

Could morals be our instilled law which, in practice, helps us to
preserve our existence, and could our ability to reason be how we can
improve on it? I believe that our morals are simply inherent laws
that protect us from ourselves, and make us more likely to procreate
(no pun). I don't see enough logical difference between us and lesser
forms of life to honestly conclude that we are more worthy of
something such as a divine connection. I think that a majority of
humans are wasting so much time and potential by believing these
preconcieved notions that the afterlife is what matters while
neglecting what they really have and can do today.



Apr 14, 2010, 7:35:21 AM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
If christians take their moral compass from the bible it's no wonder
why they always get lost!!

On 14 Apr, 10:11, "" <>

> Hello!
> One of the most popular arguements by Christians in support of their
> faith is the existence and origin of our 'Moral Compass'.  I'll have
> to be honest and state that this is a logical arguement for Christians
> and it is one of the most compelling which I have read.  I will
> substitute the acronymn MC for the rest of my post(s) as I have
> already stated what it refers to and since it's a popular term in
> these ongoing debates.
> ==================================================================
> Moral Compass
> Part of Speech:   n
> Definition:   anything which serves to guide a person's decisions
> based on morals or virtues
> Example:   Hopefully, the lawyer has a moral compass.

> ==================================================================

Trance Gemini

Apr 14, 2010, 9:02:27 AM4/14/10
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:35 AM, TLC <> wrote:
If christians take their moral compass from the bible it's no wonder
why they always get lost!!

Does the Bible have a moral compass?

The few items in it that might be considered morality are rarely practiced by Christians like "Turn the other cheek", "Treat others as you would like to be treated", etc.

Particularly given the high percentage of Christians in the prison system compared to their representation in the general population.

Christianity doesn't appear to make people more moral.

"Love is friendship on fire" --Anonymous

"Faith may not move mountains, but you should see what it does to skyscrapers" --Panama Floyd, aa#2015


Apr 14, 2010, 9:21:44 AM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
On Apr 14, 3:02 pm, Trance Gemini <> wrote:
> Does the Bible have a moral compass?
> The few items in it that might be considered morality are rarely practiced
> by Christians like "Turn the other cheek", "Treat others as you would like
> to be treated", etc.
> Particularly given the high percentage of Christians in the prison system
> compared to their representation in the general population.

The best excuse I have heard for this is that because atheists in
average has a somewhat higher IQ than theists (
wiki/Religiosity_and_intelligence), some theists argue that atheists
are better at avoiding getting caught :)

Another excuse is that many criminals alledgedly "find Jesus" while in
prison, thus shifting the percentage.

> Christianity doesn't appear to make people more moral.

So true.
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would
have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven

On Apr 14, 3:02 pm, Trance Gemini <> wrote:

Trance Gemini

Apr 14, 2010, 9:26:49 AM4/14/10
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM, ZonkTheBear <> wrote:
On Apr 14, 3:02 pm, Trance Gemini <> wrote:
> Does the Bible have a moral compass?
> The few items in it that might be considered morality are rarely practiced
> by Christians like "Turn the other cheek", "Treat others as you would like
> to be treated", etc.
> Particularly given the high percentage of Christians in the prison system
> compared to their representation in the general population.

The best excuse I have heard for this is that because atheists in
average has a somewhat higher IQ than theists (
), some theists argue that atheists
are better at avoiding getting caught :)

Haha. Nice one and conveniently one that can't be proven one way or another.

Love the theist predilection for coming up with those types of claims...

Another excuse is that many criminals alledgedly "find Jesus" while in
prison, thus shifting the percentage.

I believe the statistics were based on what they declared themselves before going to prison so that one doesn't wash where these particular statistics are concerned.

> Christianity doesn't appear to make people more moral.

So true.
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would
have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven

One of my favorite quotes.

Apr 14, 2010, 9:44:54 AM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Apr 14, 9:26 am, Trance Gemini <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM, ZonkTheBear <>wrote:
> > So true.
> > "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would
> > have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
> > But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven
> > Weinberg
> One of my favorite quotes.
> --
> "Love is friendship on fire" --Anonymous
> "Faith may not move mountains, but you should see what it does to

> skyscrapers" --Panama Floyd, aa#2015- Hide quoted text -
A few of my favorite quotes for entertainment's sake!

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"


“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product
of human weaknesses,
the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends
which are nevertheless pretty childish.
No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this”

– Albert Einstein


Apr 14, 2010, 10:44:59 AM4/14/10

Two more excellent ones :-)


Apr 14, 2010, 10:52:08 AM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
Animals behave in certain ways.
They will survive and thrive better if they behave in ways conducive
to their survival.
Ergo, animals that have survived and thrived will have an affinity
towards behaving in those ways.
The behaviors humans have an affinity toward are those we call

Thus our "moral compass" is nothing more than built-in behaviors we
have because they have, within our evolutionary history, been
conducive to our survival.

No God Necessary.

On Apr 14, 5:11 am, ""

<> wrote:
> Hello!
> One of the most popular arguements by Christians in support of their
> faith is the existence and origin of our 'Moral Compass'.  I'll have
> to be honest and state that this is a logical arguement for Christians
> and it is one of the most compelling which I have read.  I will
> substitute the acronymn MC for the rest of my post(s) as I have
> already stated what it refers to and since it's a popular term in
> these ongoing debates.
> ==================================================================
> Moral Compass
> Part of Speech:   n
> Definition:   anything which serves to guide a person's decisions
> based on morals or virtues
> Example:   Hopefully, the lawyer has a moral compass.

> ==================================================================


Apr 14, 2010, 5:01:40 PM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
On 14 apr, 15:26, Trance Gemini <> wrote:
> I believe the statistics were based on what they declared themselves before
> going to prison so that one doesn't wash where these particular statistics
> are concerned.

Thanks for the update, TG, I didn't know that.

Apr 14, 2010, 7:39:13 PM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
No Christian opinion on the subject? Did they all (de)convert?

Trance Gemini

Apr 14, 2010, 7:44:15 PM4/14/10
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:39 PM, <> wrote:
No Christian opinion on the subject?  Did they all (de)convert?

They tend to avoid the more interesting questions ;-)

Apr 14, 2010, 8:00:51 PM4/14/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
Damnit! Can I say that here? Where is the majority of the
inhabitents in the world when you need them? Ironically,
where is God when you need him? Not only do they
inheret his qualities they inheret his faults!
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