Almost overwhelming evidence God exists

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 4, 2010, 9:35:17 AM9/4/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists? What's a
sheep to do if they believe?

On Sep 3, 11:35 pm, Doug <> wrote:
> On 3 Sep, 17:21, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the

> > I have reasons to believe God is behind the opposition to bike
> > facilities and other topics that are not strictly moral.
> I have good reason to believe, i.e.absence of any verifiable evidence,
> that God does not exist and never has therefore your post cannot be on
> topic.

I believe that when even a president of the most powerful nation
claims to act on God's behalf, and all of our elected representatives
claim to believe in him, it would be ridiculous that God simply was a



"God is a figment of the imagination, mental masturbation so to speak"


Sep 4, 2010, 12:21:43 PM9/4/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On 4 sep, 15:35, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the
Jungle" <> wrote:
> We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists? What's a
> sheep to do if they believe?
> On Sep 3, 11:35 pm, Doug <> wrote:
> > On 3 Sep, 17:21, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the
> > > I have reasons to believe God is behind the opposition to bike
> > > facilities and other topics that are not strictly moral.
> > I have good reason to believe, i.e.absence of any verifiable evidence,
> > that God does not exist and never has therefore your post cannot be on
> > topic.
> I believe that when even a president of the most powerful nation
> claims to act on God's behalf, and all of our elected representatives
> claim to believe in him, it would be ridiculous that God simply was a
> fake.
Indeed. There's no way there can be such a huge lie all around me. It
has to be true.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 4, 2010, 1:22:13 PM9/4/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
Wait, wait, don't surrender! The Christians must surrender before this

On Sep 4, 3:26 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> The God myths and fables.
> There are thousands of dramatically different God beliefs but no God
> announces or demonstrates that IT is the 'real God' and the many others are
> fakes.
> If there was a REAL God, it would not tolerate the gross deception of it's
> creations by the thousands of false Gods. Any REAL God would directly
> communicate to his creations that it is the REAL God and all the others are
> fakes. It would use its supernatural powers to destroy all the false Gods
> that deceive and mislead his creations.
> He would not need to hide behind thousands of questionable and contradictory
> church spokesmen. If any of the stories about him were true, he would have
> no fear or difficulty facing his skeptics in person. It would be nothing for
> the creator of the
> universe to pop out of the air whenever and wherever he was being debated.
> He could do this any where and everywhere if he was the all powerful
> creator.
> He could easily correct all who challenged him, but wouldn't need to: a
> simple appearance, 20 feet tall and floating on air, would be enough for all
> who doubted him. Someone who created the heavens, the Universe and the earth
> would require no effort to make some appearance to all living people.
> But no God ever speaks to, communicates with or appears to any of the 6.8
> BILLION 'sane' members of society.
> Here are a few of the more prominent documents on various religious/God
> beliefs;
> Baja's Sacred writings
> Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
> The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
> NO originals of the old or new testaments exist. We don't know what the
> originals said.
> The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints - written by a church
> leader.
> The Analects - Confucianism
> The Eddies and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
> Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
> Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
> Qur'an - Islam
> Adi Granth and Dasam Granth - canonical scripture of the Sikhs
> Tanakh - Jewism
> Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
> Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
> Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
> Of all the thousands of different God and belief systems which is the true
> one, if any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are any objective
> evidence. They are all documents written, hand copied, modified and further
> copied, over the centuries, by errant men with their own personal and
> selfish motivations.
> There is no objective verifiable evidence that any dead relative or friend
> has ever directly communicated with the living. That is because they no
> longer
> EXIST even as a spirit!
> None of the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders has ever been able to
> demonstrate that his God actually exists. Nor have any of them ever been
> able to confirm that their Heaven, Hell, God, Devil or Angels actually
> exist. Nor have any of them ever 'proven' they have actually communicated
> with their claimed God.
> Would any real loving and caring intelligent God, create Plagues, Tsunamis,
> Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Floods, Wars, Earth Quakes, Cancers and
> hundreds of debilitating diseases and serious body malfunctions? There are
> 12,000 known diseases that affect and punish mankind indiscriminately. Why
> does it permit millions of both young and old to starve to death or die of
> miserable diseases? Why punish millions of INNOCENT CHILDREN in this
> horrible way?
> Why would any all powerful and caring god permit totally "innocent children"
> to die at birth? Or worse, be born lacking eyesight, a fully developed
> brain, deaf and dumb, missing limbs etc.? Why are some born idiots and
> others with super intelligence? Why are some born into wealth and others
> pauper poor? Why would it permit over 2,000,000 innocent children to die of
> starvation every year?
> Why are his human creations designed to deteriorate
> into a miserable and devastating old age regardless of their religious
> beliefs?
> According to the Bible, man must endure death in order to live again? Why
> does any God
> provide such irrational claim?
> People feel compelled to believe in Gods, Heavens, Hells, Angels and after
> life because they cannot mentally accept the finality of death and the loss
> of their
> existence.
> Their is no objective verifiable evidence that any Gods are any more real
> than
> Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, All Gods are based on nothing more than
> hopes,
> fears, myths and fables.
> I challenge religionists to provide objective verifiable evidence that their
> God
> actually exists!
> --
> Bill M


I expect honorable Christians to surrender in the next 24 hours
(1:13pm EST).


Sep 4, 2010, 4:49:17 PM9/4/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 4, 6:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
the Jungle" <> wrote:
> We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists? What's a
> sheep to do if they believe?

LL: No it doesn't mean that at all. All it means is that the religious
tendency is very strong in people and it can exist without a god being
involved. We don't know why people tend to believe in a god, they
just do. How many people believe in a god has nothing to do with the
reality of a god. It has to do with the reality of how the human brain
> On Sep 3, 11:35 pm, Doug <> wrote:
> > On 3 Sep, 17:21, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the
> > > I have reasons to believe God is behind the opposition to bike
> > > facilities and other topics that are not strictly moral.
> > I have good reason to believe, i.e.absence of any verifiable evidence,
> > that God does not exist and never has therefore your post cannot be on
> > topic.
> I believe that when even a president of the most powerful nation
> claims to act on God's behalf, and all of our elected representatives
> claim to believe in him, it would be ridiculous that God simply was a
> fake.

LL: Well, in the first place, not ALL elected representatives claim to
believe in the concept.A few say outright that they don't and a lot
more say they do but don't and won't admit it because it doesn't
advance their political agenda or ability to stay in office.

Fallacy ad popularum. Popularity of a concept has no bearing on

At one time nearly everyone in the world thought the sun revolved
around the earth. Did that even more popular concept mean anything
regarding the reality of the movement of sun and earth? There are
plenty of other examples of popular misconceptions. None of them have
ever had any bearing on reality.



His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 5, 2010, 10:23:55 AM9/5/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 4, 1:49 pm, LL <> wrote:
> On Sep 4, 6:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> > of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> > have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> > God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists? What's a
> > sheep to do if they believe?
> LL: No it doesn't mean that at all. All it means is that the religious
> tendency is very strong in people and it can exist without a god being
> involved. We don't know why people tend to believe in a god, they
> just do. How many people believe in a god has nothing to do with the
> reality of a god. It has to do with the reality of how the human brain
> works.

I see it differently. That tendency mostly disappears in communist
countries. The are a few hardcore Christians, but they don't have any
practical effect on life like here.

Under capitalism it is ARTIFICIALLY kept alive to replace the lack of
ideology, other than DEMOCRACY, which is another fiction when coupled
with religion.

> > On Sep 3, 11:35 pm, Doug <> wrote:
> > > On 3 Sep, 17:21, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the
> > > > I have reasons to believe God is behind the opposition to bike
> > > > facilities and other topics that are not strictly moral.
> > > I have good reason to believe, i.e.absence of any verifiable evidence,
> > > that God does not exist and never has therefore your post cannot be on
> > > topic.
> > I believe that when even a president of the most powerful nation
> > claims to act on God's behalf, and all of our elected representatives
> > claim to believe in him, it would be ridiculous that God simply was a
> > fake.
> LL: Well, in the first place, not ALL elected representatives claim to
> believe in the concept.A few say outright that they don't and a lot
> more say they do but don't and won't admit it because it doesn't
> advance their political agenda or ability to stay in office.
> Fallacy ad popularum. Popularity of a concept has no bearing on
> reality.
> At one time nearly everyone in the world thought the sun revolved
> around the earth. Did that even more popular concept mean anything
> regarding the reality of the movement of sun and earth? There are
> plenty of other examples of popular misconceptions. None of them have
> ever had any bearing on reality.

Different situation. We all know that there's evolution but they
CHOOSE to hide from the Truth like Osama bin Laden hides in a cave.

This was said 130 years ago!

"More than a century has passed since science laid down sound
propositions as to the origins of the universe, but how many have
mastered them or possess the really scientific spirit of criticism? A
few thousands at the outside, who are lost in the midst of hundreds of
millions still steeped in prejudices and superstitions worthy of
savages, who are consequently ever ready to serve as puppets for
religious impostors."


Sep 5, 2010, 5:23:30 PM9/5/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 5, 7:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
LL: Who is "we"? Plenty of people don't "know" there is evolution.
They aren't hiding from it. They truly believe that evolution doesn't

> This was said 130 years ago!
> "More than a century has passed since science laid down sound
> propositions as to the origins of the universe, but how many have
> mastered them or possess the really scientific spirit of criticism? A
> few thousands at the outside, who are lost in the midst of hundreds of
> millions still steeped in prejudices and superstitions worthy of
> savages, who are consequently ever ready to serve as puppets for
> religious impostors."

LL: Good quote, but it doesn't address the fact that, even today, we
have a large percentage of the population that are still steeped in
prejudices and superstitions worthy of savages, who are consequently
ever ready to serve as puppets for religious impostors." They are
still with us, unfortunately.



Sep 5, 2010, 6:04:16 PM9/5/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
Your Highness.
Because some of your elected representatives believe in a god are you
seriously telling us that this is real evidence of gods existence, you
must be barking mad.
I take it you must be a yank, if so, then do you really believe that
George W Bush is a highly intelligent man, I think not, only in
America was GWB highly thought of, the rest of the world could not
believe that this bumberling idiot was the so called leader of the
free world, and it is because of him that America is no longer
respected around the world, it will take Obama a long time to gain the
worlds confidence again.
GWB is a raving lunatic and as thick as two short planks and it
doesn't surprise me one bit that he believes in a god, so what you are
telling us is that because GWB believes in a god then god must exist.

And for you to believe in god because somebody else does i.e GWB then
it is you that is Joe sheep, Baa Baa

Do you think that Albert Einstein or Steven Hawkins believe in god,
now these are what you call intelligent men

On Sep 4, 2:35 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 5, 2010, 9:25:00 PM9/5/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 5, 3:04 pm, clegmeister <> wrote:
> Your Highness.
> Because some of your elected representatives believe in a god are you
> seriously telling us that this is real evidence of gods existence, you
> must be barking mad.
> I take it you must be a yank, if so, then do you really believe that
> George W Bush is a highly intelligent man, I think not, only in
> America was GWB highly thought of, the rest of the world could not
> believe that this bumberling idiot was the so called leader of the
> free world, and it is because of him that America is no longer
> respected around the world, it will take Obama a long time to gain the
> worlds confidence again.
> GWB is a raving lunatic and as thick as two short planks and it
> doesn't surprise me one bit that he believes in a god, so what you are
> telling us is that because GWB believes in a god then god must exist.
> And for you to believe in god because somebody else does i.e GWB then
> it is you that is Joe sheep,  Baa Baa
> Do you think that Albert Einstein or Steven Hawkins believe in god,
> now these are what you call intelligent men

Well, you know, monkeys like to tease and make the sheep feel insecure
in their "overwhelming numbers."

Of course, the overwhelming number of politicians are also lying, so
we are surrounded by liars and ignorant people who feed them with
their vote.

I'm sure Godumatic got my irony right. ;)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 5, 2010, 9:27:55 PM9/5/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 5, 2:23 pm, LL <> wrote:

> LL: Good quote, but it doesn't address the fact that, even today, we
> have a large percentage of the population that are still steeped in
> prejudices and superstitions worthy of savages, who are consequently
> ever ready to serve as puppets for religious impostors." They are
> still with us, unfortunately.
> **********************

I believe it's a matter of choice. One thing is not to know, another
not wanting to know. But the puppeteers are also the role model for
that idiocy/hypocrisy.


Mystic Merman

Sep 6, 2010, 12:23:14 AM9/6/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

> I take it you must be a yank, if so, then do you really believe that
> George W Bush is a highly intelligent man, I think not, only in
> America was GWB highly thought of, the rest of the world could not
> believe that this bumberling idiot was the so called leader of the
> free world, and it is because of him that America is no longer
> respected around the world, it will take Obama a long time to gain the
> worlds confidence again.

The only Americans I know that thought highly of GWB are Christians.
All of my friends and non-religious family members thought he was a
moron from the get-go. During the last presidential elections, my
Christian sister was bitching that everyone was blaming Bush for all
the problems in the US. I told her, "I know, that's ridiculous. He's
way too stupid to have caused any of our problems."

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 6, 2010, 8:36:24 AM9/6/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
They probably thought, "God sent him to save us from the Muslims, why
should we question him?"

Mystic Merman

Sep 6, 2010, 9:53:43 AM9/6/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
I think that's probably safe to say. My grandmother still has the
Bush family on her refrigerator. She refuses to recognize that we
have a new President.

On Sep 6, 5:36 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 6, 2010, 5:18:12 PM9/6/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 6, 6:53 am, Mystic Merman <> wrote:
> I think that's probably safe to say.  My grandmother still has the
> Bush family on her refrigerator.  She refuses to recognize that we
> have a new President.

They consider Obama the Devil, ignoring the "minor mistakes" of this

Of course, Clinton was real evil too for having that pretty lady "lick
his candy."


Sep 8, 2010, 12:26:59 PM9/8/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
On Sep 4, 9:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
the Jungle" <> wrote:
> We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists?

They just say that to get the redneck vote

Sep 8, 2010, 12:56:29 PM9/8/10
to Atheism vs Christianity
On Sep 4, 1:35 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
the Jungle" <> wrote:
> We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists?

Or is it overwhelming evidence that those who lost belief in God are

> What's a
> sheep to do if they believe?

Lie down with wolves with confidence that they won't be eaten?

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 9:47:13 AM9/9/10
to Atheism vs Christianity

On Sep 8, 9:56 am, ""
<> wrote:
> On Sep 4, 1:35 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > We know our elected representatives are not Joe TheSheep, but are part
> > of an elite that have attended the best universities and thus must
> > have been exposed to critical thinking, and still they believe in
> > God... Isn't that almost overwhelming evidence God exists?
> Or is it overwhelming evidence that those who lost belief in God are
> unelectable?

Yep, it is evidence that you must be hypocritical to survive in the
political jungle.

> > What's a
> > sheep to do if they believe?
> Lie down with wolves with confidence that they won't be eaten?

This strategy for survival is not very clever as the wolves really
dismiss the sheep, and couldn't care less about their welfare.
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