[翻牆網 ATGFW.ORG] Windows下的全功能的SSL VPN解决方案 OpenVPN 更新至V2.3.8修复 askpass输入问题

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Aug 18, 2015, 4:46:31 AM8/18/15
to at...@googlegroups.com

OpenVPN是一个全功能的SSL VPN解决方案,可容纳多种配置,包括远程访问,站点到站点VPN,无线网络的安全性,并具有负载均衡,故障转移和细粒度访问企业级远程访问解决方案。

OpenVPN 2.3.8 -- released

OpenVPN 2.3.8 contains the following changes:
Arne Schwabe (2):
      Report missing endtags of inline files as warnings
      Fix commit e473b7c if an inline file happens to have a line break exactly at buffer limit

Gert Doering (3):
      Produce a meaningful error message if --daemon gets in the way of asking for passwords.
      Document --daemon changes and consequences (--askpass, --auth-nocache).
      Preparing for release v2.3.8 (ChangeLog, version.m4)

Holger Kummert (1):
      Del ipv6 addr on close of linux tun interface

James Geboski (1):
      Fix --askpass not allowing for password input via stdin

Steffan Karger (5):
      write pid file immediately after daemonizing
      Make __func__ work with Visual Studio too
      fix regression: query password before becoming daemon
      Fix using management interface to get passwords.
      Fix overflow check in openvpn_decrypt()
The OpenVPN 2.3.8 source packages and Windows installers contain one additional fix:
Gert Doering (1):
      Un-break --auth-user-pass on windows 
This means that custom Windows builds should be based on 2.3.8 source packages or on the "release/2.3" branch instead of the "v2.3.8" tag in Git.
This release fixes a number of small issues and one regression introduced in 2.3.7. A full list of changes is available here. Note that the Git tag "v2.3.8" is not exactly the same as 2.3.8-based source packages. This is of importance to those building OpenVPN for Windows themselves. All the details are in the changelog.
If you find a bug in this release, please file a bug report to our Trac bug tracker. In uncertain cases please contact our developers first, either using the openvpn-devel mailinglist or the developer IRC channel (#openvpn-devel at irc.freenode.net). For generic help take a look at our official documentationwikiforumsopenvpn-users mailing list and user IRC channel (#openvpn at irc.freenode.net).
Source Tarball (gzip)openvpn-2.3.8.tar.gzGnuPG Signature
Source Tarball (xz)openvpn-2.3.8.tar.xzGnuPG Signature
Source Zipopenvpn-2.3.8.zipGnuPG Signature
Installer (32-bit), Windows XPopenvpn-install-2.3-I001-i686.exeGnuPG Signature
Installer (64-bit), Windows XPopenvpn-install-2.3.8-I001-x86_64.exeGnuPG Signature
Installer (32-bit), Windows Vista and lateropenvpn-install-2.3.8-I601-i686.exeGnuPG Signature
Installer (64-bit), Windows Vista and lateropenvpn-install-2.3.8-I601-x86_64.exeGnuPG Signature

Instructions for verifying the signatures are available here.
We also provide static URLs pointing to latest releases to ease automation. For a list of files look here.
This release is also available in our own software repositories for Debian and Ubuntu, Supported architectures are i386 and amd64. For details. look here.
Note that easy-rsa is no longer bundled with OpenVPN source code archives. To get it, visit the easy-rsa page on GitHub, or download it from our Linux software repositories.

OpenVPN -- Older Releases

Older OpenVPN releases not explicitly listed above can be downloaded from here (alternate link).
WARNING: The Windows installers for these old releases may contain OpenSSL versions that have the heartbleed vulnerabilityor other serious security issues. You should not use any of these old OpenVPN Windows installers, unless you are absolutely sure it's safe in your use case. If you depend on an old OpenVPN version make sure you build the Windows binaries yourself and link them to an up-to-date OpenSSL version.

OpenVPN -- Packages and ports

OpenVPN is available in repositories of most open source operating systems such as DebianUbuntuFedoraFreeBSD andMaemo. Some of them may have several versions available, e.g. one for latest beta branch, one for latest development code and one for stable releases. Using these OS-provider versions is usually easiest. However the OpenVPN project also packages latest OpenVPN releases for some open source operating systems. Take a look here to see if these packages are available for your OS.


OpenVPN uses TAP-windows to provide virtual tap device functionality on Windows. Normally you don't need to install TAP-windows separately, as OpenVPN installers include it. The tap-windows driver comes in two flavours: the NDIS 5 driver for Windows XP and NDIS 6 for Windows and above. Source code for both tap-windows drivers is available on GitHub.
Installer (NDIS 5)tap-windows-9.9.2_3.exeGnuPG Signature
Installer (NDIS 6)tap-windows-9.21.1.exeGnuPG Signature
Most other operating systems have virtual tap device functionality in their kernels.


Starting with openvpn-2.3_alpha2 easy-rsa is no longer part of the OpenVPN source or binary packages. It can be downloaded separately from it's GitHub project page.


Official Windows binary packages are cross-compiled on Linux using mingw_w64 and the openvpn-build buildsystem. For details, look at the Wiki documentation.

LZO RPM Packages

The OpenVPN RPM package requires the LZO library for real-time link compression. (sources: Dag Wieers and SuSE distribution).


Blogger 于 8/14/2015 04:40:00 下午 发布在 翻牆網 ATGFW.ORG
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