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Dec 15, 2000, 9:18:26 PM12/15/00
Did you know that anyone can cancel your FIDO phone and say it has been
stolen. If it is not you that calls they will not reactivate at all. I
have tried to get some answers from them and get nothing but run around. if
you ask to speak to someone else like a Supervisor they tell you need to
make an appointment to complain. No that I have spent over $100, on
extras fro my FidoMatic I am screwed. Plus the time I have is gone and the
chip I bought is worthless. JUST LIKE THEIR SERVICE. I was asking
questions to some lady at customer service, because she could not answer me

Just had to vent
Thanks for reading and pass it on.


Dec 16, 2000, 12:19:20 PM12/16/00
Go buy a new phone and use it for a couple of min without fully
charging the battery and return the phone. Do this a few times and I
guarantee that you will feel better.

There was a story about the ETR and how they still charge the original
owner of a transponder even when it has been reported stolen. Now, I
have a 5 cent credit and because of that they have to send me a
statement every month.

There is no excuse for bad policies that places consumers at a
disadvantage. I know that some smart-ass will flame me about how it
will increase the cost, etc. I know that, but spite is very powerfull.
Do boycotts do the same thing (increase costs), yes, so if that is a
good thing (i.e. noble action...fighting for a cause), then what I am
doing should be seen as the same thing.


Dec 16, 2000, 1:07:52 PM12/16/00
Hey, they called me this morning Saturday and said it would be reactivated
by Monday. They think it was a mistake with another phone and serial number
written wrong. Now I will wait and see what happens with my balance and if
I buy another Fido. If I get nothing from them for this aggravation, I will
use what I have left and leave Fido for good.
Up until now they have been very good and easy to deal with. The funny
thing was I was going to upgrade to a better phone at the same time this

"DavieBear" <> wrote in message

Dec 16, 2000, 2:08:48 PM12/16/00
In article <ShA_5.9539$>,

While Fido CSRs are very friendly and helpful with normal
situations, they become quite touchy on security issues (I learned this
when I needed the PUK for my phone and gave them the wrong birthdate,
they simply hung up). I do believe you are overreacting though. First
off call them when you cool down and explain the situation. Tell them
you have all the relavant receipts and that you can fax it to them. I
am sure they will make everything right upon receipt of this
information. TTYL

Sent via

Fergus Gibson

Feb 8, 2001, 8:16:25 PM2/8/01

"alex" <> wrote in message

> There is no excuse for bad policies that places consumers at a
> disadvantage. I know that some smart-ass will flame me about how it
> will increase the cost, etc. [...]

I'm not going to flame you, but I certainly disagree with you. The actions
you propose are unethical and abuse policies that are very positive for
consumers. If many people were to engage in these abuses, things like
30-day evaluation periods would disappear. That would be horrible. You're
right that there is no excuse for bad policies, and the appropriate response
is to take your business somewhere else.

> [...] I know that, but spite is very powerfull.

Spite is also base.

> Do boycotts do the same thing (increase costs), yes, so if that is a
> good thing (i.e. noble action...fighting for a cause), then what I am
> doing should be seen as the same thing.

Boycotts are not an action. A boycott is a decision NOT to purchase a
product from a company with which one has some complaint. The point here is
that there is nothing unethical about choosing not to purchase phones or
service from Fido; there is something unethical about abusing those services
that are there for the convenience of legitimate customers.

Fergus Gibson

Feb 8, 2001, 8:17:32 PM2/8/01

"DavieBear" <> wrote in message

> Hey, they called me this morning Saturday and said it would be reactivated
> by Monday. They think it was a mistake with another phone and serial
> written wrong. Now I will wait and see what happens with my balance and
> I buy another Fido. If I get nothing from them for this aggravation, I
> use what I have left and leave Fido for good.

Well, ask them for some compensation. They may not give it to you if you
don't ask, but they may be prepared to give it to you if you do. I suspect
Fido will give you some kind of compensation for this if you ask.

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