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Reading of Hearts Like Fists Sept 15

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Adam Szymkowicz

Sep 7, 2010, 3:26:14 PM9/7/10
Come if you can:

As part of Flux Theater Ensemble's Food: Soul series

HEARTS LIKE FISTS by Adam Szymkowicz
Directed by Keith Powell

Sept 15 at 7:30 pm

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square Park (Corner of Thompson Street)
New York, NY

...Dinner is at 7:30pm and the stage reading starts at 8:00pm (play runs 90min)
If some of you are itching to share your culinary expertise,
food donations are welcome but NOT required.

Food:Soul features good food, good company, and a fully staged reading of a play Flux is passionate about developing and sharing with you - all for free!

HEARTS LIKE FISTS is a superhero noir comedy about the dangers of love.  Dr X is sneaking into people's apartments late at night and injecting lovers with a serum that stops their hearts. Lisa joins the Crimefighters, a group of crimefighting women, to stop him. Peter, a heart doctor, is trying to create an artificial heart that can be mass produced so no one will fear to sleep with their lovers again.
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