AsyncSSH 2.11.0 released!

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Ron Frederick

Jun 4, 2022, 11:01:53 PM6/4/22
to, asyncssh-users
AsyncSSH version 2.11.0 is now available on Github and PyPI, with some new features and bug fixes. Here’s a list of changes since 2.10.1:

* Made a number of improvements in SFTP glob support, with thanks to
Github user LuckyDams for all the help working out these changes!

* Added a new glob_sftpname() method which returns glob matches
together with attribute information, avoiding the need for a
caller to make separate calls to stat() on the returned results.
* Switched from listdir() to scandir() to reduce the number of
stat() operations required while finding matches.
* Added code to remove duplicates when glob() is called with
multiple patterns that match the same path.
* Added a cache of directory listing and stat results to improve
performance when matching patterns with overlapping paths.
* Fixed an "index out of range" bug in recursive glob matching
and aligned it better with results reeturned by UNIX shells.
* Changed matching to ignore inaccessible or non-existent paths
in a glob pattern, to allow accessible paths to be fully
explored before returning an error. The error handler will now
be called only if a pattern results in no matches, or if a more
serious error occurs while scanning.

* Changed SFTP makedirs() method to work better in cases where parts of
requested path already exist but don't allow read access. As long as
the entire path can be created, makedirs() will succeed, even if some
directories on the path don't allow their contents to be read. Thanks
go to Peter Rowlands for providing this fix.

* Replaced custom Diffie Hellman implementation in AsyncSSH with the
one in the cryptography package, resulting in an over 10x speedup.
Thanks go to Github user iwanb for suggesting this change.

* Fixed AsyncSSH to re-acquire GSS credentials when performing key
renegotiation to avoid expired credentials on long-lived connections.
Thanks go to Github user PromyLOPh for pointing out this issue and
suggesting a fix.

* Fixed GSS MIC to work properly with GSS key exchange when AsyncSSH
is running as a server. This was previously fixed on the client side,
but a similar fix for the server was missed.

* Changed connection timeout unit tests to work better in environments
where a firewall is present. Thanks go to Stefano Rivera for
reporting this issue.

* Improved unit tests of Windows SSPI GSSAPI module.

* Improved speed of unit tests by reducing the number of key generation
calls. RSA key generation in particular has gotten much more expensive
in OpenSSL 3.

Downloads can be found in the usual place:

Home page:

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with this new release.
Ron Frederick

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