Project 64 Support Code

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Ozie Harker

4:00 PM (2 hours ago) 4:00 PM
to asynchttpclient

We're using SVN to do source code control, and want ideally for the error codes file to sit in the same project repository as the project itself (to ensure each developer has the most recent codes file available to them). However, labview doesn't appear to accept this as a valid place for an error file and so doesn't see it...

project 64 support code


The way I get around that problem is to have a separate routine that reads my own custom error files for a project (or a VI that has a constant containing that information as part of the app). Then, I have a VI called something like "Get Custom Error Codes" that will return an array of codes and messages which, when wired into the General Error Handler (The Simple Error Handler cannot be used for this), gives the same result as putting a LabVIEW error XML file into the appropriate location. This also has the advantage that I can re-use error codes in different apps without causing a big headache.

PS. I also frequently create a VI that takes an ENUM representing my custom errors (that internally gets converted to the appropriate code, etc) and builds the appropriate error cluster, so that both other developers and myself dont have to worry about remembering which error code they should be using at a given point.

Done some experiments.
Labview 8.5.1 when it is launched, PRE-LOAD the xml-errors defined in the files located in \user.lib\errors.
So remember to restart labview if you define new error code files, to apply changes (you don't get new files messages)

Rather than having a Custom Error Codes File, you could create a Custom Error Codes VI, made specifically for the project or product. This works for me, and there's no mistaking where it is / how to get to it / how to include it in a release document.

We are working from team projects for various different docu-seies and are finding that some open without any issues but others are popping up with the eror code listed above. It wont open the TP and then fails at opening any of the previous auto-save version as well. Does anybody know if this is an issue with the new version of premiere or perhaps the new MACOS operating system Monterey?

Have you tried to rollback to one of the next older Auto-Save versions using the Media Browser - View auto-saves of team projects?
As an alternative are you able to create a new Project based on a older Version of your Team Project - View versions of team projects?


Thankfully I was able to export a backup when this happened. However, moving forward, I believe this error will happen again as this is the 2nd new team project I've created in the last week because of this issue. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this error code? Perhaps a corrupted file?

We are having the same issue, everything was going fine for weeks, now we are getting this error message every time we open the project on either end. The progess bars come up... and it looks like it is trying to sync and share updates but it doesn't. We tried sharing another project and none of the assets showed up at all. The project was blank inside. Any ideas??

Hi, it seems this bug is specific to cases where a local .prproj with preview files was converted to a Team Project. We're currently working on a fix and will make it available in the Beta builds soon.

Hello Udo, reaching out because I'm facing this issue working with a team project in Premiere 23.0 ... When I attempt to open the team project, I get this error message. When I attempt to open the recommended autosave, it keeps failing and recommending prior autosaves. I was able to access the team project by signing into my computer with a different user, but that's more of a workaround than a fix. Any ideas?

Hi, have you tried opening a previous Version instead of an 'Auto-Save' instance - View versions of team projects?

Difference between "Auto-Saves" and "Versions":
- Auto-Saves are created for each edit on your machine
- Versions are created each time a collaborator shares/publishes changes


Hey there, having the same problem, was working on a project and clicked on CTRL Z. Doing this erased my whole media in my sequence bar, then tried re opening a backup save of the team project and its just giving me the same error code. It's been 2 years since this thread started, adobe please tell me you now have a fix...

A Medication Administration Record (MAR) is a record of all medications that are given to a patient while they are in a hospital or nursing home facility. OpenEMR currently supports a medication list and writing prescriptions, however, OpenEMR does not support a MAR. Goal is to implement a MAR in OpenEMR.

Hello mentors @robert.down @stephenwaite ,
My name is Aditya Tomar from India and I am currently in my second year of graduation.
Skills I aquire are of mainly web development domain like MERN, PHP, Nodejs.

This will permit multiple users to report their orders/observations at different times. Preadmin and admin will see defaults from prescription and be able to override with some explanation. Witness and postadmin will only get to record their note as a separate record linked to prior action but multiple times as reactions will go through iterations that need to be logged in sequence.

@stephenwaite Is there any repository maintained for this project or we have to start from scratch?
And is there anything you want to recommend me to be on the as same page as you? I have seen the road map and took a tour of the OpenEMR and I want to explore more about the codebase.

Hello Mentors,
I am Sk Shahnawaz, a CS Undergraduate student from India. I had contributing to the openemr repo on Github for quite some time and fixing the issues. After going through the projects listed under OpenEMR for GSoC 2020, this idea really interests me and suits my domain. Please guide me how to begin knowing more about this. Meanwhile I am exploring the technology

Part 1 would be to improve the current medication feature in OpenEMR to store all the necessary medication elements and to integrate well with the prescription feature in OpenEMR. See here for an issue that proposes a way to do this:
add prescription to medication leaves something to be desired :) Issue #2917 openemr/openemr GitHub

Part 2 is the building of the MAR (Medication Administration Record) feature which basically involves documentation of the administration of medications and the ability to derive a multitude of reports from this. For a brief related use case, see this forum thread:
Kiosk view of all upcoming medications?
And for a a more detailed thread discussing MAR, see here: Medical Administration Record

Hello Mentors,
I am Shubha , a Computer Science Undergraduate student from India. As I am mostly interested in Medical and Healthcare domain,I find this project very interesting and willing to be a part of it.
I request you to guide me, to learn more about it .
Thank You.

Hello Mentors, I will like to know if the Medication Administration Record System which is to built is meant to be integrated with OpenEMR through an API endpoint or will be developed as a core subsystem in the OpenEMR.

I updated to Premiere 12. I started a new Team Project for Premiere and wanted to import a former version of a sequence from an "old" Team Project (After I updated that old Team Project to 12 as well) Now I try to import this sequence. It first works but the moment the auto-save tries to save this new project it says: There has been an error ... Code 1609825704. It is suggested I should close the project and reopen the Project where I can only restart the whole process. I also tried to save an offline version of the sequence and import that = same result. I can though edit and save the "old" team project.

I'm sorry to hear you have encountered this error. I have PM'ed you for more details. If you make a copy of the complete Team Project (via File/Save As...), are you able to open that new Team Project?

If you have at any time relinked files without using the Team Project Media Management you are screwed. We had a lot of problems with a proxy workflow. And if there are any merged clips in the project it's getting even worse. The lesson I've learned with team projects is that as long as you have the exact same online footage on every workspace it's a mighty tool. The minute you are using prxoxies fatal errors can occur. Plus when trying to export a tea, project to a regular premiere project it randomly messed with filepaths turning them into a mess of somehow relative paths with strange code.

In my case this error code message I get when trying to open an AE team project after machine freeze and restarted while working in that team project that somehow got corrupted.
Is it a way to access that project auto-save without first open the team project?

You just need to have any project open to access the Media Browser:
1. Open the Media Browser, Make sure the Auto-Saves tab is highlighted
2. Select the Team Project, move the vertical Auto-Save slider down a version or two
Right-click the Team Project name and choose 'Make Auto-Save (date+time) the latest...'

Now that Java extension will publish platform specific versions, it will embed a JRE for supported platforms such as win32-x64, linux-x64, linux-arm64, darwin-x64, darwin-arm64. The embedded JRE is used to launch the Language Server for Java. Users are only responsible for configuring Project JDKs to compile your Java projects.

The tooling JDK will be used to launch the Language Server for Java. And by default, will also be used to compile your projects. Java 17 is the minimum required version.

The path to the Java Development Kit can be specified by the setting in VS Code settings (workspace/user settings). If not specified, it is searched in the following order until a JDK meets current minimum requirement.

java.configuration.updateBuildConfiguration : Specifies how modifications on build files update the Java classpath/configuration. Supported values are disabled (nothing happens), interactive (asks about updating on every modification), automatic (updating is automatically triggered).

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