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Introducing Clément Robert, Astropy's Research Software Engineer

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Beryl Kanali

Jan 26, 2024, 3:16:07 PM1/26/24
to astropy-dev

We are pleased to introduce a new member of the Astropy team,  Clément  Robert.


Clément is working on Astropy as an independent Research Software Engineer. His main mission is to fix bugs in Astropy, mostly old ones that haven’t received sufficient attention yet. He also helps with day-to-day devops-related tasks, first and foremost by inspecting and fixing compatibility issues with Astropy’s dependencies.

Previous to this mission, Clément was a post-doctoral researcher. He studied proto-planetary disks, mainly through means of numerical simulations. He helped develop the GPU-portable MHD simulation code Idefix.

On the side, Clément has been involved with software maintenance within the scientific Python ecosystem throughout his PhD and post-doc. He co-maintains the yt data analysis library and is a passionate advocate for open source software (OSS) development as he believes it’s crucial for reproducible research.

Clément watches movies every other day and loves table top games. When he is not in theatres, he enjoys cooking and spending time with his cat.

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