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Zero Pointer

May 8, 2024, 7:08:13 AM5/8/24
to astrometry
Hi, Dustin!

Why does Astrometry give 2 orientations at output: "RA,Dec" and "Field center: (RA,Dec)"? What is the different between both orientations?

user@user-HP:/usr/local/astrometry$ bin/solve-field ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.png --overwrite
Reading input file 1 of 1: "ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.png"...
Read file stdin: 1280 x 960 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 255
Using 8-bit output
Extracting sources...
simplexy: found 5317 sources.
Reading file "ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.axy"...
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 1-10).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 11-20).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 21-30).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 31-40).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 41-50).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 51-60).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 61-70).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 71-80).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 81-90).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 91-100).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 101-110).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 111-120).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 121-130).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 131-140).
Field 1 did not solve (index HIP_cat_9.fits, field objects 141-150).
  log-odds ratio 25.0734 (7.74901e+10), 8 match, 0 conflict, 7 distractors, 88 index.
  RA,Dec = (316.546,8.99277), pixel scale 55.9441 arcsec/pix.
  Hit/miss:   Hit/miss: -++-++-+--+--++(best)--------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+-----+----
Field 1: solved with index HIP_cat_9.fits.
Field 1 solved: writing to file ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.solved to indicate this.
write_wcs_file: sip=2137586272
Field: ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.png
Field center: filename: ourExamples/00/3_0000000000.wcs.
Field center: (RA,Dec) = (316.550510, 8.940086) deg.
Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (21:06:12.122, +08:56:24.310).
Field size: 19.9101 x 15.0018 degrees
Field rotation angle: up is -176.496 degrees E of N
Field parity: neg
Creating new FITS file "ourExamples/00/"...
Creating index object overlay plot...
Creating annotation plot...
Your field contains: ...

Dustin Lang

May 8, 2024, 8:34:17 AM5/8/24
to Zero Pointer, astrometry
The first one is probably the center of the matched quadrangle of stars, rather than the center of the image.

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