Problem while Solving: List at least one index in the config file

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Can Küçüksözen

Apr 25, 2019, 3:26:58 AM4/25/19
to astrometry

Hi to all,

Im considerably new to all of this. I've done everything up to some point. Now when I try to solve an image, I get this following output:

solve-field -v '/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.jpg' --continue
Reading input file 1 of 1: "/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.jpg"...
Base: "/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1", basefile "1.jpg", basedir "/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler", suffix "jpg"
Checking if file "/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.jpg" ext 0 is xylist or image: image
  (not xyls because: Failed to open FITS table /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.jpg: Failed to open FITS file "/home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.jpg")
Running: /usr/bin/python -m astrometry.util.image2pnm --sanitized-fits-outfile /tmp/tmp.sanitized.Gr5cqR --fix-sdss --infile /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1.jpg --uncompressed-outfile /tmp/tmp.uncompressed.1kNjIX --outfile /tmp/tmp.ppm.To3q03 --ppm
Running: pnmfile /tmp/tmp.ppm.To3q03
Converting PPM image to FITS...
Running: ppmtopgm /tmp/tmp.ppm.To3q03 | /usr/bin/an-pnmtofits > /tmp/tmp.fits.shkVgL
Read file stdin: 588 x 588 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 255
Using 8-bit output
Extracting sources...
Running image2xy: input=/tmp/tmp.fits.shkVgL, output=/tmp/tmp.xyls.wkMG9E, ext=0
Got naxis=2, na1=588, na2=588
simplexy: nx=588, ny=588
simplexy: dpsf=1.000000, plim=4.000000, dlim=1.000000, saddle=2.000000
simplexy: maxper=1000, maxnpeaks=10000, maxsize=2000, halfbox=100
simplexy: median smoothing...
simplexy: measuring image noise (sigma)...
Sampling sigma at 900 points
Nsigma=0.7, s=4.04061
simplexy: found sigma=4.04061.
simplexy: finding objects...
simplexy: found 44 blobs
simplexy: finding peaks...
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 0 at (582,8)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 5 at (481,30)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 21 at (157,17)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 24 at (415,18)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 31 at (473,29)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 33 at (428,30)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 41 at (108,14)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 44 at (122,14)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 45 at (585,71)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 46 at (171,21)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 49 at (316,15)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 51 at (580,46)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 57 at (111,18)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 58 at (521,54)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 62 at (207,17)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 65 at (161,13)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 67 at (370,13)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 68 at (309,15)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 70 at (520,37)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 71 at (114,19)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 72 at (562,40)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 78 at (508,28)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 80 at (92,13)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 82 at (325,12)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 1, subpeak 83 at (585,68)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 3, subpeak 1 at (375,38)
Failed to find (5x5) centroid of peak 7, subpeak 2 at (297,40)
simplexy: found 133 sources.
Removing lines of (spurious) sources from xylist "/tmp/tmp.xyls.wkMG9E", writing to "/tmp/tmp.removelines.5txqzz"
Running: /usr/bin/python -m astrometry.util.removelines -e 1 /tmp/tmp.xyls.wkMG9E /tmp/tmp.removelines.5txqzz Removed 0 sources
Sorting file "/tmp/tmp.removelines.5txqzz" to "/tmp/tmp.sorted.IOQwsu" using columns flux (FLUX) and background (BACKGROUND), descending
Running: /usr/bin/python -m astrometry.util.uniformize -n 10 -e 1 /tmp/tmp.sorted.IOQwsu /tmp/tmp.uniform.28IIlp
Uniformizing into 3 x 3 bins
Image bounds: x [37.6076,586.504], y [3.80628,585.529]
Writing headers to file /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.axy
Copying data block of file /tmp/tmp.uniform.28IIlp to output /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek görüntüler/1.axy.
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.uncompressed.1kNjIX
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.sanitized.Gr5cqR
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.xyls.wkMG9E
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.removelines.5txqzz
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.sorted.IOQwsu
Deleting temp file /tmp/tmp.uniform.28IIlp
Running: /usr/bin/plotxy -I /tmp/tmp.ppm.To3q03 -i /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1.axy -C red -w 2 -N 50 -x 1 -y 1 -P | /usr/bin/plotxy -i /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1.axy -I - -w 2 -r 3 -C red -n 50 -N 200 -x 1 -y 1 > /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1-objs.png
  /usr/bin/astrometry-engine --verbose /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1.axy
Config file "/usr/bin/../etc/astrometry.cfg" doesn't exist.
Using config file "/etc/astrometry.cfg"
Auto-indexing directory "/usr/share/astrometry" ...
Skipping directory /usr/share/astrometry/..
Skipping directory /usr/share/astrometry/.

You must list at least one index in the config file (/etc/astrometry.cfg)

See about how to get some index files.

solve-field.c:518:run_engine engine failed.  Command that failed was:
  /usr/bin/astrometry-engine --verbose /home/gftb/Desktop/Yıldız\ Takip/ASTROMETRY/Örnek\ görüntüler/1.axy
 ioutils.c:567:run_command_get_outputs Command failed: return value 255

Anyone can point what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Can K.

Dustin Lang

May 1, 2019, 4:49:28 PM5/1/19
to Can Küçüksözen, astrometry

You need to grab some "index files" -- these are like sky maps.  See for details.


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Oct 12, 2024, 2:16:31 PMOct 12
to astrometry
Your application is awesome!!!
I'm a linux user and also have StellarSolver installed
But I want to build a plate-solving solution which is command line controlled - and I believe your application will be excellent for that.

In my first solve attempt - I have a PNG file which StellarSolver finds a solution for within a second.
The index file it uses is 4108

The documentation states:
If you have any of index files 4107 to 4111 use "--scale-low 1"  as a solve parameter

So the command I am trying is:  solve-field --overwrite --scale-low 1 LagoonNebula.png

But the solve application is running for a very long time and does not appear to be successful
Your advice greatly appreciated!



Oct 12, 2024, 4:22:05 PMOct 12
to astrometry
I added the --downsample 2  option and it resolves right away!!
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