>Is this whole exercise of any value?
Yes. The fact that there are 3 certs out there now (WAQB, CSD, and AIPMM) suggests to me that this perceived threat is real--and I refuse to stand by silently as someone in Redmond or at the SA decides how to define the most widely recognized credential for agility. This is our line of work, and it should be us that defines the craft--in some relational model, not hierarchical!
For the moment, let's see how much support we can really generate for a relational assessment scheme. Who will join WeVouchFor.org? If we start there, we'll start generating real feedback towards what we need to be happy. See you at
http://www.wevouchfor.org !
D.André Dhondt
http://dhondtsayitsagile.blogspot.com/Support low-cost conferences --
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