How about the Software Development "game"? :-)
me either, I don't play games at all. The concept of the most game
rates is to be the best one. So, individual success is the most
priority in contrast to agile mindset where collective success is.
I wish I could give any idea but I'm not good at gaming. Is there any
game where success is in collaboration? If so, we must make a start
from those ones
I would love to see such warmth and dedication towards the joy of
learning, the art of delivering software and agile principles, looking
forward to the journey with this group. Let's build it upon a
foundation of trust, caring, honesty and a will to achieve great
> I think that many (most?) developers love games in which they can
> constantly "level up" and get shiny badges to collect.
> * Have a crazy project (again Patrick's Tic-Tac-Pente game comes to
> mind) that people can work on and maybe get points every time they
> [increase code coverage | decrease complexity | improve design].
I think Micah Martin's Code Sparring contests are a great example of
this kind of thing:
We definitely need more along the same lines.
Actually, in World of Warcraft, to get to certain higher levels, you have to team up with people to go conquer something.
I'm not a gamer either. I may just force myself to join World of Warcraft just to learn more.
The thing that impressed me most about WoW is how well the learning is integrated into game play. Immediately as you enter the game you learn about quests and how to find them. Each early quest is not only interesting in and of itself, but also teaches you a key skill that you will use over and over (killing stuff, picking up items, using items, avoiding hostile monsters). It was only on starting my second or third character that I noticed that these early quests are all about learning. My first time through, they were just fun.
It seems that most well-done games these days have these starting tutorials built in ... no need to read a manual, just dive right in and it'll teach you everything you need to know ex: The Sims, Civilization, Call of Duty.
In contrast, I've tried Second Life a few times. SL starts by giving explicit lessons in game mechanics. I've never made it past those boring lessons. It's akin to starting a new job by sitting through a two week offsite lecture class, rather than on-the-job training, pairing, or even a two week offsite experiential workshop.
So maybe one lesson here is: Integrate the learning into the work; integrate work (real or simulated) into the learning.
Subject: Re: World of Agile
Hello Chris,
I agree. I think we can accomplish the effects we want from game play (fun, engagement, challenge, community, early gratification, addiction) without very much actual game framework machinery. I think most of it should be well-designed code exercises that start small and get larger and more challenging.
In particular, I would like the first few games to concentrate on what I (perhaps presumptuously) suspect are the key first things for students to learn:
-- Test coverage (policed by actual metric)
-- Naming
-- SRP/Method-level complexity; class-level complexity (policed by static analysis)
-- Compose Method / Programming by Intention
-- Extract Method / Extract Interface / Extract Class
-- Pull up field/method.
Even without insisting on TDD as a technique, if we asked students, in first few "game levels" or exercises to focus on these things, how much of the most important technique does that cover? I'd like to find out.
Hello Kristoffer and Nayan:
I think this is starting to sound both lightweight and fun.
Another thing: it builds community out in the real world. A point system of XP points would be hilarious and useful and fun, altogether.
We don't have to think this all the way through now. We could just try a couple of small experiments, and ... iterate!
Is WoW (World of Warcraft) the model we'd want to emulate in some way to create a world in which folks can progressively improve their Agile skills? It sounds like a massive undertaking, yet most things worth doing are.
I'd say that we want to cherry pick the elements that seem most... er... fruitful.
So how would one be assessed in a quest? Do you simply pass or fail a quest in WoW?
It's an /idea/.
Personally I like to build on others ideas and then offer my own.
Ola Ellnestam
Agical AB
Västerlånggatan 79, 2 tr
111 29 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Mobile: +46-708-754000
Twitter: ellnestam
I don't have a problem with the idea. My personal irony does not make
the idea any less valid. However, I was compelled to share.
Oh, OK. I hope you didn't feel 'attacked' by my remark. The nuances of
communication really isn't that good via email. :-(
I have seen far to many ideas get shot down way too early. And I guess I
have done my fair share of shooting down as well over the years.
FWIW, I found it funny :)
I was also reminded of a quote from the Hitchhiker's Guide:
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly
disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and
There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
Classic. That's one of my (many) favorite parts. I was just rereading
the part of /Life the Universe and Everything/ where he describes
learning how to fly, which is another favorite.
BTW, my comment was not just meant to be ironic. It is 100% true. My
mom got me the Commodore so that I would get off her Mac. It came with
a book on basic. I was way into D&D and was intrigued by the idea that
I could write a program to generate the character scores. @ 1986
BTW, my comment was not just meant to be ironic. It is 100% true. My
mom got me the Commodore so that I would get off her Mac. It came with
a book on basic. I was way into D&D and was intrigued by the idea that
I could write a program to generate the character scores. @ 1986