Brazilian Mormon Studies Conference Call for Papers

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Sep 30, 2009, 7:50:32 AM9/30/09
to Association for Spanish and Portuguese Mormon Studies

I thought those here in the ASPMS group would be most interested in
hearing about this planned conference. You're getting the very first

The organizers of the Brazilian Mormon Studies Conference seek papers
and other presentations for the initial Brazilian Mormon Studies
Conference, to be held January 23, 2010 in São Paulo, Brazil. The
conference will be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with
interpreting for those who do not speak one of those languages.

We invite those interested to submit proposals for scholarly papers,
panel discussions, interviews, personal essays, sermons, films,
dramatic performances, literary readings, debates, comic routines, art
displays, musical performances and other expressions of the Mormon
experience. While this conference is to be academic in nature, we
encourage submissions from students, non-academics and from amateurs
who have interesting and well-expressed presentations to make.
Submissions may be on any subject, as long as they involve Mormonism,
its history, people or institutions in a significant way. Fields of
study might include History, Philosophy and Theology, Sociology and
Anthropology, and all expressions of culture, including art, music,
literature and film.

The theme of this conference is The Latin American Influence on
Mormonism, and presenters are encouraged, but not required, to choose
topics that reflect that theme. Topics on this theme might include:

* Reactions to Mormon Missionaries in Latin America
* The Relationship of Mormons to established Churches in Latin America
* The Perception of Mormonism as a U.S. religion
* The history of LDS public relations efforts in Latin America

Because the majority of the audience for this conference has not
experienced a similar conference, we will accept submissions that have
been presented or published elsewhere.

Those who would like to present or organize a session for the
conference should submit either a full paper or a description of their
proposed session by December 1, 2009 (we would also love to hear from
those interested as soon as possible). Those seeking approval of their
paper topics before they write, should send a proposal before November
1, 2009. Full papers should be suitable for a reading time of 25-30
minutes (approximately 3,500 words). Proposals should be approximately
1 page in length (250 words). All submissions should be accompanied by
a brief description of the author's background, or a résumé or CV.

Send submissions to the conference organizers at

Future information about the conference will be available from the
conference website:

Kent S. Larsen II

Sep 30, 2009, 6:58:44 PM9/30/09

It is currently scheduled for the Address Executive Cidade Jardim

But we haven't made a formal announcement of the place (Marcello is handling the hotel, and I don't want to say that it definitely will be there in case something about it is up in the air). I also don't have conference rates for the hotel. The hotel website currently won't let me look up rates for the conference date.


At 12:26 PM -0700 9/30/09, Jonathan Beutler wrote:
>Do you know what venue the Conf in São Paulo will be held in?
>Jonathan Beutler
>>Send submissions to the conference organizers at <>
>>Future information about the conference will be available from the
>>conference website:
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