Last Results: Asperger - 06/09/2012 03:22

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Anderson Marques

Sep 6, 2012, 3:25:53 AM9/6/12
to, Anderson Marques
WasJetztTweeting - 04:15:26
Folowers: 30 - Shared: 0
Autismus, was jetzt..? September 06, 2012 at 09:15AM #autismus #asperger
Profile Link:!/WasJetztTweetin
Ayesha L Rahadi - 04:07:52
Folowers: 143 - Shared: 0
Jangan2 gw mengidap sindrom Asperger.....
Profile Link:!/ayecabi
badanotis - 04:06:43
Folowers: 1034 - Shared: 0
Comunicart, una associació dedicada a treballar amb nens i nenes amb autisme i la síndrome d’Asperger #Badalona
Profile Link:!/BDNOTIS
It's ♠? Call it a ♠. - 04:05:19
Folowers: 188 - Shared: 0
Most of the time I live like I have de Asperger's. That's okay, there's an Aspie-admirer (and a puppy) out there for me somewhere.
Profile Link:!/bunnybunnybitch
Kim Joy Paquette - 04:01:31
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Carottes au four Temps de préparation : 20 minutes Temps de cuisson : 35 minutes Ingrédients : - 4 carottes - 3 cuillerées à soupe d'huile d'olive - 4 branches de thym émiettées - 2 branches de romarin émiettées - 4 échalotes - 1 cuillere à café de sucre -sel - poivre Préparation de la recette : Carottes au four Préchauffer le four à 180°C, brosser les carottes et disposez-les entières dans un plat à four. Coupez les échalotes en 4, épluchez les gousses et ajouter le tout au carottes. Asperger d'huile d'olive, saupoudrer de thym et de romarin, saler,sucrer et poivrer. Ensuite couvrer le plat avec du papier aluminium, enfournez-le au four et laisser cuire environs 35 min à 200°C. Bon appétit....
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Asperger's Forum - 04:00:44
Folowers: 3302 - Shared: 0
I'm sure all of you missed me! I love SV! I don't know how I passed these 6 days without SV! ... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Asperger's Forum - 04:00:44
Folowers: 3302 - Shared: 0
Uranium City, CanadaStatistics: Posted Posted by Turtle — Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:32 am — Replies ... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Francie LeDuc - 03:59:18
Folowers: 852 - Shared: 0
PLEASE, PLEASE help my 23 yr old.He's got Asperger's & Epilepsy. He needs someone to help give him advice.@AndrewtheDuke
Profile Link:!/FrancieML
Jade Press - 03:56:07
Folowers: 155 - Shared: 0
My amazing friend has written a book for families & teachers of children with Asperger's Syndrome - check out
Profile Link:!/jadepress
Tania Keesling - 03:53:18
Folowers: 1 - Shared: 0
Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals: Tony Attwood's guide will assist parents and profess...
Profile Link:!/rkpprim
Francie LeDuc - 03:51:25
Folowers: 852 - Shared: 0
Hi Could you follow & talk to my 23 yr old son @AndrewtheDuke ? He is confuse about his life.He's got Epilepsy and Asperger's.He needs help
Profile Link:!/FrancieML
Kenneth - 03:48:31
Folowers: 257 - Shared: 0
I gave @one_or_more +K about Asperger Syndrome on @klout.
Profile Link:!/KennyMcCormack
AutismSpectAustralia - 03:46:20
Folowers: 525 - Shared: 0
Social group opportunities for adults with #Asperger's
Profile Link:!/AutismSpectAust
Vodafone Deutschland - 03:42:46
Folowers: 44469 - Shared: 1
Aktuelle Ausgabe von @zeitonline mit gutem Artikel über Menschen mit #Asperger Syndrom und Einsatz bei #Vodafone ^mh
Profile Link:!/vodafone_de
Wan Norizan - 03:38:50
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
"Animals world" They are so dear to me as a reindeer (= When the sun is shinning birds are singing.. I love them so much because they are a symbol of love. They are true because it's true.. So many of them disappear it's a tear... Be respectful it's pretty cool. They can show us the best way because it's the only way. Don't be selfish but be a fish. Pets are our best guides because they do their best. Don't beat them but just love them. For a better nature be more mature in the future.. Compassion can make a better nation . Open your heart,listen to your pets..just be what you have to bee..(= Lil alex (12 years old ,i'm an asperger kid)
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Braxton - 03:34:07
Folowers: 297 - Shared: 0
@hopkinsdewayne_ he got aspergers, its like a light version of autism.. lmao
Profile Link:!/BraxtonB_
Francie LeDuc - 03:31:54
Folowers: 852 - Shared: 0
@specialkidsatty I'd really love to talk to you about my son.He's 23 and has Asperger's & Epilepsy. We've fought since he was 11 months old.
Profile Link:!/FrancieML
That nigga Dom - 03:29:53
Folowers: 518 - Shared: 0
@Yakub_Bey asperger syndrome is a form of autism when you have difficulty with socializing , communicating and interacting
Profile Link:!/Wrecklesswally
Asperger's Forum - 03:29:49
Folowers: 3302 - Shared: 0
Thank you, Ereth! Statistics: Posted Posted by Turtle — Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:21 am — Replies 5 ... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
witbit - 03:24:39
Folowers: 51 - Shared: 0
Your Asperger's is acting up again, @FLconserve941
Profile Link:!/witbit
Etienne Vu - 03:24:27
Folowers: 1 - Shared: 0
Preparing for Life: The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for Those with Autism and Asperger's Syndr...
Profile Link:!/papptp
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