Last Results: Asperger - 06/09/2012 16:30

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Anderson Marques

Sep 6, 2012, 4:33:49 PM9/6/12
to, Anderson Marques
Matthew - 17:28:31
Folowers: 170 - Shared: 0
@lphilpott1 Yes because I am quite sensitive to crowds so it will be a lot quieter for me Sheridan is aware of me having Asperger's.
Profile Link:!/Sherifan2012
Tony Abreu - 17:27:23
Folowers: 14419 - Shared: 0
Just read this: Child with Asperger's faces new fight against cancer - Eugene Daily News
Profile Link:!/ePerception
Pet Nuñez i Delpeu - 17:26:25
Folowers: 59 - Shared: 0
@ppsoe2000 @claudiperez el Carotone o el Asperger?
Profile Link:!/Delpeu
Vanesa Martinez - 17:26:04
Folowers: 58 - Shared: 0
Película llama la atención sobre el Asperger
Profile Link:!/logopedazaragoz
Sugar - 17:24:56
Folowers: 507 - Shared: 2
I've got Aspergers when Im harsh with u,Autism when I ignore u,ADHD when I slap you &Tourette's when I call u a cunt! ...
Profile Link:!/Nicksterella
Melissa Troublemeyer - 17:24:45
Folowers: 349 - Shared: 0
I can't tell if my TA has Asperger's or if he's just really smart & super serious. Maybe both...
Profile Link:!/Nanette_Manoir
Laura Cavanagh - 17:24:38
Folowers: 278 - Shared: 0
Good article with insight on the experience of being a #sibling of an individual with #autism: #ASD #Asperger
Profile Link:!/lcava
Ms Muffy™ - 17:23:55
Folowers: 3606 - Shared: 0
I've got Aspergers when Im harsh with u,Autism when I ignore u,ADHD when I slap you &Tourette's when I call u a cunt! I'm just a Bitch!!!
Profile Link:!/Ms_Muffy
Cody M. Kaser - 17:23:49
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
was impressed by his students' knowledge of Asperger's Syndrome today. Good job, homies and homettes.
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BLVCK PIMP. - 17:22:40
Folowers: 309 - Shared: 4
, Chief Keef got a type of autism called Aspergers . Look that shit up .
Pilot Jones.✈ - 17:21:54
Folowers: 733 - Shared: 0
@emoneyyyy_ teenage depression teenage pregnancy self mutilation aspergers syndrome autism increasing suicide rate increase in drug use.
Profile Link:!/GalaMendez
Bob Dijkgraaf - 17:17:54
Folowers: 497 - Shared: 0
Ik vind het sowieso bijzonder knap dat je kunt schrijven vanuit het perspectief van een negenjarige met Asperger en een bejaarde man/vrouw
Profile Link:!/bobdijkgraaf
kamonphonq - 17:15:07
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Asperkids: An Insider's Guide to Loving, Understanding, and Teaching Children with Asperger Syndrome:
Profile Link:!/kamonphonq
Marianne Mah - 17:10:02
Likes: 1 - Shared: 0
Books on AD/HD ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg & Kathleen Nadeau. Written by people who really understand why it's so difficult for people with ADD to organize their time and space. Attention Deficit Disorder : A Different Perception by Thom Hartmann. Underwood Books. Hartmann looks at people with ADHD as "hunters in a farmer's world" - valuable for their creativity and energy. Different Minds: Gifted Children With AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits by Deirdre Lovecky. I'm very excited about this new book - I just got my copy and am avidly reading it. Dr. Lovecky knows our kids like no one else. This book is filled with well documented information on gifted kids, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, and how these syndromes look different in gifted children. Lots of references. It is a dense book, because it is so full of info and research findings, and very worth the time and effort to read. Definitely a "must buy" for anyone parenting or working with gifted children with AD/HD and/or Asperger Syndrome. Driven to Distraction by Edward Hallowell and John Ratey. Simon & Schuster. The classic "starter" book for learning about ADHD. The authors have first-hand knowledge of what it is like to have ADHD, as well as being knowledgeable about care and management. Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of Your A.D.D. Child by Jeff Freed & Laurie Parsons. Simon & Fireside. Good for visual-spatial children, as well as ADD. It's Nobody's Fault: New Hope and Help for Difficult Children and Their Parents by Harold Koplewicz. Times Books. This book discusses diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for ADD, OCD, separation anxiety, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, enuresis/bedwetting, Tourette Syndrome, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, eating disorders, conduct disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And What You Can Do About It by Gabor Mate Teaching the Tiger: A Handbook for Individuals Involved in the Education of Students with Attention Deficit Disorders, Tourette Syndrome or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by Marilyn P. Dornbush & Sheryl K. Pruitt. Hope Press. A reference book for parents and educators of students with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, and/or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, describing how these disorders affect students on all levels - cognitive, behavioral, emotional - and providing practical suggestions.
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Miguel Angel Galvez Patron - 17:04:31
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
© 2011 WMG / Ziontifik Music Asperger El lenguaje del Psicópata, el don del músico. El instrumental que uso es quirúrgico, buscando algo imposible, como un m...
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StupidHeavyBong - 17:04:08
Folowers: 3611 - Shared: 1
LMAO RT @Vennie_VidiVici: I read Chief Keef was diagnosed with Asperger's (form of autism) at a early I guess w ...
Profile Link:!/DugeeLFE
School Kids Lawyer - 17:02:41
Folowers: 755 - Shared: 0
Pass the IEP, please! #sped #specialed #spedlaw #education #law #IEP #autism #asd #aspergers #adhd #dyslexia...
Profile Link:!/SchoolKidsLaw
TJ Thurston - 17:02:41
Folowers: 1196 - Shared: 0
Pass the IEP, please! #sped #specialed #spedlaw #education #law #IEP #autism #asd #aspergers #adhd #dyslexia...
Profile Link:!/tjthurston
Jamaican Blend - 17:02:33
Folowers: 394 - Shared: 0
LMAO RT @Vennie_VidiVici: I read Chief Keef was diagnosed with Asperger's (form of autism) at a early I guess we can stop cookin
Profile Link:!/Kiss_Gamms
Marianne Mah - 17:01:40
Likes: 2 - Shared: 1
The term twice exceptional, often abbreviated as 2e, is commonly applied to intellectually gifted children who have some form of disability. It refers to the fact that these children are exceptional both because of their intellectual gifts and because of their special needs. A 2e child usually refers to a child who, alongside being considered intellectually above average, is formally diagnosed with one or more disabilities. The disabilities are varied: dyslexia, visual or auditory processing disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sensory processing disorder, Asperger syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, or any other disability interfering with the student's ability to learn effectively in a traditional environment. The child might have a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder, with or without hyperactivity, or diagnoses of anxiety or depression. There is no clear-cut profile of twice-exceptional children because the nature and causes of twice exceptionality are so varied. Some 2e children may have no formal diagnosis, but do have learning differences of other kinds, such as in learning style or preference, that make it hard to function in a standard classroom. This variation among twice-exceptional children makes it difficult to determine just how many of them there might be. Some estimates place the number at 2 to 5 percent of all gifted children, while others believe it to be higher.
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Dr. Howell Wright - 17:01:19
Folowers: 1300 - Shared: 0
News production offers lessons for students with Asperger's
Profile Link:!/howellwright
Docteur Oldfab - 17:00:58
Folowers: 234 - Shared: 0
@DocBulle Un interprète de Bach, pianiste, très probablement Asperger, qui chantonnait, et jouait sans pédale #EnGros @dr_tiben @mlle_juls
Profile Link:!/DocteurOldfab
A.M.P. Psicólogos - 16:59:17
Folowers: 498 - Shared: 0
Niños con #Asperger: Grabadoras contra la desprotección
Profile Link:!/AMPositiva
JANE.  - 16:59:05
Folowers: 1530 - Shared: 0
LMAO RT @Vennie_VidiVici Chief Keef was diagnosed with Asperger (form of autism) @ a early age so I guess we can stop cooking him a lil bit
Profile Link:!/aybCEEdeeznuts
Alejandro Andrade - 16:57:30
Folowers: 274 - Shared: 0
@colomba_blue o quien lee tiene asperger! y no entiende el doble sentido!
Profile Link:!/chanchandro
Geri Fletcher - 16:57:18
Folowers: 118 - Shared: 0
@Banqchef Better: our lawyer will bring it up at IEP. Just another ex. of how they are uneducated in Asperger's. Not mad, just annoyed.
Profile Link:!/ggfletcher
L. Vennie - 16:55:25
Folowers: 330 - Shared: 0
I read Chief Keef was diagnosed with Asperger's (form of autism) at a early I guess we can stop cooking him a little bit.
Profile Link:!/Vennie_VidiVici
JSSA - 16:54:23
Folowers: 733 - Shared: 0
Thank u 2 those who signed up 4 Going Places! volunteer training. The social club is 4 teens/young adults w/Asperger’s.
Profile Link:!/OfficialJSSA
StockdaleWolfe - 16:53:46
Folowers: 319 - Shared: 0
"Never, Never" on Moonside Stevens#Bipolar Disorder#Yusuf#Asperger's
Profile Link:!/StockdaleWolfe
Jason Kay - 16:51:52
Folowers: 127 - Shared: 0
My Son played rugby at school today. His verdict? “ I enjoyed it” he may one day want to play rugby #biglad #Aspergers # ...
Profile Link:!/jaykay8912
Juicy James - 16:51:39
Folowers: 307 - Shared: 0
Chief Keef is has a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome
Profile Link:!/jvaroutsos
Watchman - 16:51:35
Folowers: 204 - Shared: 0
@DjBoyceBaby I was just commenting on my lack of ability to detect sarcasm (a trait of aspergers which is in the autism spectrum).
Profile Link:!/CzarWatchman
The Help Group - 16:50:50
Folowers: 1978 - Shared: 0
#TeensontheGo is unique #socialskills camp for teens 13-18 with Asperger's Disorder, high functioning Autism, and related social challenges.
Profile Link:!/TheHelpGroup
Halle Brabant - 16:50:45
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
The Everything Parent's Guide To Children With Asperger's Syndrome: Help, Hope, And Guidance (Everything: Parent...
Profile Link:!/vijsmyl
Paul Jones - 16:50:03
Folowers: 226 - Shared: 0
My Son played rugby at school today. His verdict? “ I enjoyed it” he may one day want to play rugby #biglad #Aspergers #autism #rugbyunited
Profile Link:!/CurryNutta
NovelIdea - 16:49:41
Folowers: 592 - Shared: 0
@Cathy_Field I watched a Louis Theroux prog that showed a school for #autism and #aspergers - there was a shop class, offices, teaching
Profile Link:!/DrWho7Freak
Carlos Lobo - 16:49:28
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
La Leyenda del Diablo de Carora. En la Colonia, Carora fue, como todas las ciudades y aldeas un sitio de paz, de tranquilidad, de vida familiar, monótona, religiosa, de buenas costumbres. Siempre ha sido religiosa, donde se practican las enseñanzas de Cristo, donde reinaba la honestidad de sus habitantes junto con una moral estricta y un sentido firme y único de la justicia. Para mediados del siglo XVIII existían en Carora cuatro hermanos de apellido Hernández Pavón y dos alcaldes: Don Adrián Tuñón de Miranda y Don Tiburcio Riera. Los hermanos Hernández se dedicaban al contrabando con Coro y esto alcanzó tal magnitud que intervinieron las autoridades respectivas y ordenaron perseguir y acabar con tal contrabando. Los dos alcaldes lograron sorprender a los hermanos Hernández e hicieron preso a uno de ellos, teniéndolo, en calidad de detenido. Los otros tres hermanos procedieron al rescate, atacaron la casa de la policía, dieron muerte a un soldado y liberaron a su hermano. Esto lo hicieron aprovechando la siesta de los caroreños. Los cuatro hermanos, envalentonados se descuidaron, parece que se tomaron unas copas lo que dio tiempo a que los alcaldes reunieran sus fuerzas y los atacaran. Las fuerzas del gobierno eran superiores y los Hermanos Hernández Pavón no les quedó otro recurso que refugiarse en el convento de Santa Lucía, que estaba situado en la calle Falcón, por los lados del Pajón. En este tiempo los conventos gozaban de inmunidad, no se podían allanar sin tramites muy complejos, pero los alcaldes y sus fuerzas enormemente indignados llegaron al convento y cuando el Prior se negó a entregar a los refugiados amenazaron con destruir las puertas con hachas y entrar ellos mismos y sacar los refugiados. En vista de esto, el Prior tuvo que ceder y entregar a los fugitivos bajo protesta por el sacrilegio que significaba forzar la entrada de su Convento. Los cuatro hermanos fueron llevados a la Plaza Mayor (hoy Bolívar) y ejecutados en el acto. Esto para la Carora de entonces, pequeña villa recoleta, respetuosa con las Autoridades y con Santo Temor de Dios, fue un escándalo que produjo asombro, ira y miedo colectivo. Al no explicarse porque hubo cinco muertos, blasfemias, irrespeto a la Casa de Dios y a sus servidores consagrados apelaron entonces a las fuerzas sobrenaturales y se creó la leyenda de que en Carora el Diablo andaba suelto. El destino que corrieron los Alcaldes no pudo ser menos dramático: Don Tuñón de Miranda huyó al nuevo Reino de Granada, y con otro nombre, se radica en Tunja y Don Tiburcio Riera, fue preso, juzgado y sentenciado a muerte ejecutada en la Plaza de La Guaira, en una de cuyas mazmorras estaba detenido. El caroreño cuando se asombra y quiere ponderar algo muy grande dice: ¡AH DIABLO!. La Maldición del Fraile. En el año de 1859, fue expulsado del Territorio Fray Ildefonso Aguinagalde, Papa Poncho, el Fraile. Además se dice que llegó a Carora en donde fue cura párroco de una iglesia y se cuenta que cuando le llevaban a alguien para hacerle los oficios fúnebres preguntaba que quien era y a que partido perteneció. Si le contestaban que había sido conservador, al tiempo de asperger el agua bendita murmuraba entre dientes: "!Agua bendita perdida, alma de godo no se salva!" La expulsión tuvo carácter vejamen pues fue montado en un asno hembra, con la cara mirando la cola del animal, es decir, montado al revés. Así fue llevado, en medio de burlas y risas hasta los límites de lo que abarcaba el territorio. Al llegar aquí, es decir, al límite territorial, el Fraile fue apeado y entonces se quitó las sandalias, las sacudió, chocando una con otra y dijo que lo hacía para no llevarse ni un gramo de polvo de este Territorio. Después se volvió hacia donde quedaba Carora y pronunció estas palabras: "¡Malditos sean estos godos hasta la quinta generación!". Esto se conoce como la maldición del Fraile. Desde entonces, todo sería aciago, toda tragedia que afecte a una de estas familias, dicen exclamando, ¡Es la maldición del Fraile!
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Maui Wowie - 16:48:24
Folowers: 500 - Shared: 0
Asperger Syndrome= physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported. LMAO
Profile Link:!/NickyOG
Cathy Field - 16:48:07
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
@DrWho7Freak It's a mentoring program where young adults mentor children. School social worker suggest it to my #Asperger son!
Profile Link:!/Cathy_Field
¢няisтiaи X - ♚ - - 16:48:02
Folowers: 391 - Shared: 0
@NickyOG u click on asperger syndrome on wikipedia ?
Profile Link:!/iDannyHilfiger
Maui Wowie - 16:47:43
Folowers: 500 - Shared: 0
its called asperger syndrome
Profile Link:!/NickyOG
¢няisтiaи X - ♚ - - 16:47:24
Folowers: 391 - Shared: 0
@iDannyHilfiger Asperger Syndrome= physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported .LMAOOOOOOOOOO ...
Profile Link:!/iDannyHilfiger
Maui Wowie - 16:47:03
Folowers: 500 - Shared: 0
@iDannyHilfiger Asperger Syndrome= physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported .LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Profile Link:!/NickyOG
David Ruffin Jr. - 16:45:28
Folowers: 377 - Shared: 1
*asperger RT @Mista_Bitches_: Me. He has asburgers syndrome (idk if that's how you spell it “@KingOfThisHill: Who knew ...
Profile Link:!/Mista_Bitches_
AaronBreck(s)enridge - 16:44:29
Folowers: 346 - Shared: 0
*asperger RT @Mista_Bitches_: Me. He has asburgers syndrome (idk if that's how you spell it “@KingOfThisHill: Who knew @ChiefKeef had autism
Profile Link:!/AaronBrecks
Cathy Field - 16:44:05
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
Parents of #autism & #asperger children - what do you think of school based programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters? Worth a shot?
Profile Link:!/Cathy_Field
Sosa Jerm - 16:43:17
Folowers: 2246 - Shared: 1
@Mista_Bitches_ @DrewHowFly @chiefkeef *Asperger’s syndrome*
Profile Link:!/KingOfThisHill
Jonathan Chase - 16:42:49
Likes: 2 - Shared: 1
Jonathan Chase, diagnosed with Aspergers at age 14, gave the keynote speech at the Northwest Autism Foundation Gala on June 16th, 2012 at the Rose Garden Are...
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Ace Boogie - 16:41:53
Folowers: 375 - Shared: 0
Fun fact; Cheif Keef suffers from Asperger Syndrome.
Profile Link:!/AceBoogie4StarZ
Becky Strong - 16:40:56
Folowers: 24 - Shared: 0
#Exeter in the news: Asperger driver Simon Dabbs 'raped two schoolgirls and left teen, 14, in ... - Daily Mail http://t. ...
Profile Link:!/becsyboo77
Cyberella - 16:35:25
Folowers: 6308 - Shared: 0
@mpatman Είναι συνήθως Asperger Syndrome, αυτισμός με ψυχαναγκασμούς αλλά με υψηλό δείκτη ευφυΐας. @eta2608 @dr_aluca
Profile Link:!/Cyberela
Tina Gemmer - 16:32:35
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
"Let yourself be drawn by the strange pull of what you love..." Always :) #autism #aspergers #quotes
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Ryan Shay - 16:32:07
Folowers: 66 - Shared: 0
Rare Autism Form May Improve With Diet Change, Study Says – Businessweek #asperger
Profile Link:!/Aspergers_Child
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