Last Results: Asperger - 06/09/2012 17:31

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Anderson Marques

Sep 6, 2012, 5:34:57 PM9/6/12
to, Anderson Marques
Lola Tercero - 18:32:07
Folowers: 122 - Shared: 0
@trainzportu la chica con asperger
Profile Link:!/LolaTercero3
Jindia May - 18:29:25
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
My son blessed me today. He was at school and he doesn't even know it, but it really was a blessing that touched my heart. I was in Albertson's shopping for asparagus and the lady approached me in the produce section with this weird look on her face. Her: Are you Dondre's mom? Me: Yes, that's my son? Her: I just love him so much. Me: Oh, thank you (rolling away w/ buggy, she follows) Her: Could we please just have him over for a play date with my son? Me: Ok, we'll exchange numbers and I'll call you. (no intentions on doing so) Her: Well, let me explain. My son has Asperger's Syndrome, he doesn't interact with others or do well in social settings and with affection, but your son brings something out in him that I have NOT seen since his dad passed away 2 yrs ago on my daughter's bday. We moved here 8 months ago. Dondre' was in his kindegarten class and he just loves him so much. Every time he sees him, his face just lights up. Me: Oh, wow, I'm so sorry to hear abt ur husband, I'll be glad to let him come over and play. (convicted and SPEECHLESS)
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Juan L. - 18:29:01
Folowers: 128 - Shared: 0
Quero un cuaderno coma o da asociación Asperger.
Profile Link:!/Juan_Luis_Allo
Celia Peláez - 18:28:22
Folowers: 342 - Shared: 0
@erikalonsa pues termina hoy! Jajaja a mí me gusta :)) Lola tiene el síndrome Asperger, una especie de autismo.
Profile Link:!/Celiaph
Red Devil - 18:27:18
Folowers: 62 - Shared: 0
@Luciernaga1982 @charliemcgee1 Los Asperger son esclavos de la literalidad de las cosas. Los gilipollas son peores pq no se enteran de nada.
Profile Link:!/Belceb1
Winebaum Doolan - 18:25:55
Folowers: 3 - Shared: 0
Asperger Syndrome In Teens Maf: .lzB
Profile Link:!/ikjer
Ruth Núñez WEB - 18:24:42
Folowers: 862 - Shared: 2
Parece que Lola tiene mucho que aprender con la asociación de Asperger #Frágiles #MásFrágiles
Profile Link:!/web_ellaesruth
صنعاء الشموخ - 18:23:50
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
التوحد واضطرابات اسبرجر Asperser's Disorder Autism & : سمي هذا الاضطراب باسم الطبيب النمساوي هانس اسبرجر Hans Asperger الذي اكتشفه عام 1944 ويرى جيليام (Gilliam) أن أوجه التشابه بين اضطراب التوحد واضطراب اسبرجر Asperser's Disorder وهي في صور التفاعل الاجتماعي والأنماط السلوكية المتكررة, والاهتمامات والأنشطة, وقد حدد ( أحمد عكاشة)جوانب التشابه بين التوحد واضطراب اسبرجر في العناصر: 1- وجود نوع من الخلل الكيفي في تكوين العلاقات الاجتماعية السليمة. 2- غياب التواصل اللفظي. 3- مخزون محدد من الاهتمامات أو الأنشطة النمطية المتكررة. 4- قصور في الحركات الدقيقة. فى حين يوضح.( عبد الرحمن سيد سليمان ،محمد سيد موسي) الاختلافات فيما بينهما فيمايلي : 1- نسبة الذكاء IQ في اضطراب اسبرجر قوية من النسب العادية.(90- 110) والتباين Varances في الذكاء في حالة الأطفال التوحديين واضح في جانبيه اللفظي والعملي. 2- لا يوجد لدي الطفل المصاب باضطراب اسبرجر تأخر عام في اللغة, كما أنه ليس لديه صعوبات في استخدام الضمائر. 3- عدم بدء ظهور أعراض اسبرجر إلا خلال مرحلة الطفولة المتأخرة. بينما حالات التوحد تظهر في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة فى حين يشير جيليام ( Gilliam) إلي الاختلافات المهمة للاضطرابين على النحو التالى:. اختلاف المعايير التشخيصية للاضطرابين بما فيها القدرة علي والإدراك ( القدرات المعرفية) ففي اضطراب اسبرجر وأطلق عليها" نوع من التوحد الخفيف. لا يوجد لديهم تأخر في التواصل وخصوصاً اللغة يستخدم الأطفال الذين يعانون من اضطراب اسبرجر كلمات منفردة تعبر عن جملة في عمر السنتين ويستخدم الأطفال دون السنوات الثلاث جملاً وعبارات كاملة للتواصل. يوجد لديهم أيضاً مهارات الاعتماد علي الذات ولديهم سلوك تكيفي مناسب لمكونات البيئة من حولهم. ويشير ( محمود عبد الرحمن حمودة) إلي أن اضطراب اسبرجر يختلف عن التوحد في عدم خلل اللغة التي يعد خللها علامة أساسية في التوحد, ويرى ( عثمان لبيب فراج,) أن اضطرابات اسبرجر اخف بدرجة كبيرة من اضطراب التوحد من حيث شدة الأعراض المشتركة بينهما كقصور التفاعل الاجتماعي والتواصل غير اللفظي والتقاء العيون وتفهم العواطف, والانفعالات والتعبير عنها والمشاركة الوجدانية وغيرها, ويشير( فادي رفيق شلبي ) ألى وجود شذوذ وظيفي لديهم في الأنماط السلوكية وغياب التناسق في المهارات الحركية.
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Ruth Núñez WEB - 18:23:36
Folowers: 861 - Shared: 3
@mariaaranza01 Sí, Jorgito también tiene Asperger #Frágiles #MásFrágiles Es un personaje muy ¿curioso? (Mireia)
Profile Link:!/web_ellaesruth
Folowers: 253 - Shared: 1
@mariaaranza01 Sí, es de la asociación de Asperger, está ahí para orientarla y ayudarla un poco. Dolores se ha dado ...
Profile Link:!/mariaaranza01
Ruth Núñez WEB - 18:21:05
Folowers: 861 - Shared: 0
@mariaaranza01 Sí, es de la asociación de Asperger, está ahí para orientarla y ayudarla un poco. Dolores se ha dado cuenta que hace falta :)
Profile Link:!/web_ellaesruth
manel masia - 18:21:03
Folowers: 381 - Shared: 0
@Santi_Millan muy grande la serie... Personajes muuy buenos... Me gusta la asperger..... Es buenisima.
Profile Link:!/manelmasia
♠Jay - 18:20:12
Folowers: 73 - Shared: 1
Students in the Asperger’s support program at Worrall Elementary School outside Philadelphia produce “Action 7 News": ht ...
Profile Link:!/JayJay3636
Como las galletas. † - 18:19:32
Folowers: 48 - Shared: 0
Jorge es Asperger. #Frágiles
Profile Link:!/putadistance
Yanina Belmar Salaza - 18:19:27
Folowers: 54 - Shared: 0
Mañana Viernes 7 a las 11:15 @Aspergerchile_F en @USanSebastian actividad GRATUITA "Conociendo el Síndrome de Asperger"
Profile Link:!/yanibelmar
Summ is over - 18:19:13
Folowers: 436 - Shared: 0
El otro asperger es genial. Sonrie porque sabe que tiene que hacerlo. AHDHAKAHSHS ME ENCANTA.
Profile Link:!/memoriesofsumm
Fisio Tróspido - 18:18:20
Folowers: 1477 - Shared: 0
“@Daen00: De asperger a esperger y tiro porque no me toca. #jaurijaurijauri #tróspidos” MUHAHAHAHAHA
Profile Link:!/FisioTrospido
CF Marta Torné - 18:18:00
Folowers: 1619 - Shared: 0
Jorge tambien es #Asperger. #Frágiles
Profile Link:!/tornelista
Dan Lorba - 18:17:59
Folowers: 288 - Shared: 0
De asperger a esperger y tiro porque no me toca. #jaurijaurijauri #tróspidos
Profile Link:!/Daen00
Fisio Tróspido - 18:17:54
Folowers: 1477 - Shared: 1
asperger que pasa tron!!! #tróspidos
Profile Link:!/FisioTrospido
FisioAso - 18:17:51
Folowers: 1396 - Shared: 2
Psico con psico, asperger con asperger... Pablo, cuando nos presentas a un fisio de verdad? #tróspidos
Profile Link:!/FisioAso
Luke McDonnell - 18:17:21
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Went to the Asperger's group tonight haven't been for 2 weeks it was bingo tonight we didn't go to the Nags Head pub but we went to the Railway by Moorfields station instead for a change.
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Michael Korins & Dad - 18:15:29
Folowers: 1732 - Shared: 0
Students in the Asperger’s support program at Worrall Elementary School outside Philadelphia produce “Action 7 News":
Profile Link:!/MikeKorins
Salaam Sbini - 18:15:10
Folowers: 81 - Shared: 0
So when my friend told me he had Asperger ,i laughed so hard thinking he was joking #imgoingtohell
Profile Link:!/Shalomsaysso
Carlos Miquel Durá - 18:14:11
Folowers: 235 - Shared: 1
#trospidos Como ha mejorado el hematoma subdural de la asperger con terapia nocioceptiva Uuau!!
Profile Link:!/miquele1
Salaam Sbini - 18:13:52
Folowers: 81 - Shared: 0
The first time i heard about Asperger syndrome was on South Park, but they referred it to as 'Ass-burger'. So i didnt even know it was real.
Profile Link:!/Shalomsaysso
Pal - 18:11:13
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
A mi que la chica esta del Asperger siempre me ha parecido que tiene una voz super rara #Frágiles
Profile Link:!/Pichona81
Alba Tapia Céspedes - 18:08:50
Folowers: 38 - Shared: 0
@FragilesWeb gran momento #fragiles Sd asperger delante del espejo intentando expresar un sentimiento... :)
Profile Link:!/AlbaTapia13
Glòr - 18:08:21
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
#Frágiles #MásFrágiles Para mi que Nacho no entendio que significaba Asperger y peor aun ni quiso!
Profile Link:!/evelia__
Jackie5ive - 18:08:17
Folowers: 77 - Shared: 1
FYI: If you can, please donate & help out to 'Hiddleston's Helper's' our fundraiser for Autism & Aspergers. ...
Profile Link:!/jackie5ive
Bea Da Cunha - 18:06:09
Folowers: 200 - Shared: 0
La asperger de #Frágiles lo hace flama.
Profile Link:!/pinichii
Kyle Pont - 18:04:25
Folowers: 348 - Shared: 0
After looking up Asperger's on Wikipedia "Frequent major mood swings" ohh, thanks for telling that part to me Mum. Could have told me sooner
Profile Link:!/kylepont_gfc
EL REY DEL BLURAY - 18:02:28
Folowers: 338 - Shared: 0
Ordena en #Bluray #mynameiskhan Un musulmán que tiene Asperger sospechoso de los atentados del 9/11 limpiara su nombre.
HiddlesGoddesses - 17:59:32
Folowers: 2264 - Shared: 0
FYI: If you can, please donate & help out to 'Hiddleston's Helper's' our fundraiser for Autism & Aspergers...
Profile Link:!/HiddleGoddesses
M |L▲ - 17:56:59
Folowers: 138 - Shared: 0
Empathy test: » 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) ____ Your score: 13
Profile Link:!/lygorygo
Amanda Morales - 17:52:13
Folowers: 128 - Shared: 0
Got a hug from an adorable 4yr old boy with possible Asperger's. My heart melted as he held my hand through his entire visit!
Profile Link:!/bahstwick
MªÁngeles Medina - 17:50:42
Folowers: 76 - Shared: 1
Me encanta el personaje de Lola #fragiles nos ayuda a conocer un poco mas del sindrome de asperger! @CarlosFenech @Santi_millan
Profile Link:!/Angy_MJ
R.L. Stollar - 17:49:28
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
@EugeneCares Child with Asperger’s faces new fight against cancer
Profile Link:!/RLStollar
Sammi Agz - 17:49:23
Folowers: 122 - Shared: 0
Me encanta la asperger de #Frágiles #yoymigusto
Profile Link:!/_sammi_93
R.L. Stollar - 17:49:01
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
@Eugene_Buzz Child with Asperger’s faces new fight against cancer
Profile Link:!/RLStollar
D. S. Walker - 17:48:11
Folowers: 1792 - Shared: 0
Need a reason for doing homework? Here's one! I Am Snamuh: What I Wish I Knew as a Student with Asperger’s Ab...
Profile Link:!/dswalkerauthor
taspongvipat - 17:47:20
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome:
Profile Link:!/taspongvipat
Harold - 17:46:08
Folowers: 1160 - Shared: 0
Child with #Asperger’s faces new fight against #cancer -
Profile Link:!/hoppy212ny
Wade Chatman - 17:46:00
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
WE ARE THE VOICE OF AUTISM!! Please SHARE & RT :)) #autism #aspergers #ASD
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NubecitasdeSabiduría - 17:42:31
Folowers: 1331 - Shared: 0
"@arasaac: Nuevo material ARASAAC: Agenda Escolar para el Curso 2012/13 CPEE Alborada vía @arasaac" #Autismo #Asperger
Profile Link:!/NubecitasdeS
David Guerra - 17:42:01
Folowers: 1056 - Shared: 0
@oscarbroc que te sea leve con la del Síndrome de Asperger. Madre mía.
Profile Link:!/LoGuerra
David Adair - 17:41:00
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
But mum, what if I get kidnapped? Trust me, they'd bring you back. I have said this SO many times!! #autism #aspergers
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Claudia Vilar - 17:38:18
Folowers: 179 - Shared: 2
Asperger, vamonos!!
Profile Link:!/claudiavilar2
Truman Barfield - 17:33:19
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
When Your Child Has . . . Asperger's Syndrome: Bullets: *Get the Right Diagnosis *Understand Treatment Options ...
Profile Link:!/nycgebcon
Nadia Aparecida Foes - 17:31:35
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Emily Dickinson 1830-1886 An American poet regarded as one of the greatest poets. Her poems were in a number of ways unconventional for their time. Dickinson was a prolific poet but was not well known in her lifetime. She was very reclusive and considered eccentric but she had a good rapport with children. She had a habit of wearing white clothes, but also excelled at domestic work such as gardening and baking. Dickinson had a particular fascination for scented flowers. When she died she was buried in a white coffin and flowers used at her funeral included orchid, heliotrope and violets - flowers which have especially splendid fragrances. It has been written that Dickinson “saw things directly and just as they were”. Dickinson is one of the writers discussed in the 2010 book Writers on the spectrum: how autism and Asperger syndrome have influenced literary writing by literary academic Julie Brown. Dickinson’s biographer Lyndall Gordon has argued that epilepsy is the explanation for Dickinson’s reclusive life and her single status. Epilepsy had a huge social stigma during the time that Dickinson lived. There was a family history of epilepsy in the Dickinson family. Both explanations offered could be true – autistic people have an increased risk of also having epilepsy, and autism and epilepsy can both run in families.
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