New to SLAASh conventions?

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Julie A. Hochgesang

Mar 17, 2020, 1:46:21 PM3/17/20
to ASL Annotation
"Sign Language Acquisition, Annotation, Archiving and Sharing" (SLAAASh) is a four-year project that was created to prepare a specific child ASL acquisition dataset for sharing. See more about the project here

"SLAASh" (2 A's without the "acquisition") is used to refer to the annotation infrastructure that can be used by anyone annotating ASL video data. The ASL Signbank as well as the SLAASh conventions (see below) are part of this infrastructure. 

Danny Roush

Feb 10, 2021, 12:55:45 PM2/10/21
to ASL Annotation
Hello.  The link: "See here for other documents including the PDF of SLAASh conventions last edited in 2016" goes to a turned off Dropbox showcase area.  I suggest putting the PDFs in a shared Google Drive if possible.  Since I'm working outside of the SLAAASh project, I would love to see examples of the most recent GUDA documentation, version especially the GUDA Tier structure which is referenced within the SLAAASh guideline 3.0 Google Doc, but no longer available available.

Here's some feedback on the most recent SLAASh 3.0 Google Doc:
  • The SLAAASh 3.0 Google Doc is very helpful and generally clear.  Thank you for maintaining it!
  • Your link says "as of March 2020", but the Google doc has a June 25, 2020 date
  • Consider adding a "dir" Movement tag in section on page 32.  I'm suggesting a variant of ~PEOPLEdir where the circular movement is in the opposite direction of the current PEOPLE ID Gloss.  Maybe you use another tag for this difference?
  • Figure 5 on the bottom of page 56 is missing related to an example of how to annotate/transcribe a depicting buoy.  Would really like to see this!
  • I was a bit confused about your references to "prose" and how to represent transcripts in prose.  I think I finally realized you were referring to any quotation of the transcript within research write-ups, etc.  Perhaps provide a bit more information about what you mean by "prose" early in the guidelines.
  • See my comment above on the blank GUDA section 4.3.2 on page 75.  Would like to see the GUDA documentation even if it is removed from the SLAAASh 3.0 guideline.
I'm willing to provide more of this type of feedback if it is useful to you.  Again, well done!

Julie A. Hochgesang

Feb 14, 2021, 2:13:45 PM2/14/21
to ASL Annotation
Thank you! We are working on updating the SLAAASh conventions so this feedback is amazing. We can invite you to the next version when it's ready for feedback if you'd like to offer more then? 

By the way, for "dir" - is this short for "directional"? We do have "str" (for 'straight') for lower case tags. 

And yeah Dropbox Showcase 😭 - I have everything we want to share on Figshare collections. I thought I had updated the links here so thank you for helping point that out. Will reply to the first email with updated links. Do let me know if anything's missing. 


Julie A. Hochgesang

Feb 14, 2021, 2:20:21 PM2/14/21
to ASL Annotation
Updating links - 

Living Google Document of conventions is still at the same link (although we do minor updates now and then so we won't list a particular date here). We're working on version 4.0 which will be hopefully released later this year (2021) but no promises because pandemic!

"See here for other documents..." link broke because Dropbox discontinued their Dropbox Showcase feature 😭. I will not be tricked by shiny tech features again and have opted to use Figshare which gives us the ability to permanently link to files. 

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 1:46:21 PM UTC-4 Julie A. Hochgesang wrote:

Danny Roush

Feb 16, 2021, 12:54:19 PM2/16/21
to ASL Annotation
Hello, "dir" is short for "direction of movement."  I was trying to suggest a movement tag that shows the salient difference between the two versions of PEOPLE.  One has circular movement away from the body, the other has circular movement toward the the body.  This characteristic can create a contrastive minimal pair such as in the example of ACT and AGGRESSIVE that you site in section 3.8.  But in the case of PEOPLE, I believe it to be an acceptable variation of the same lemma, no contrast in meaning.  I've submitted this variation to the ASL SignBank for review.
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