Issues with using ASL Signbank with ELAN

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Julie A. Hochgesang

Mar 17, 2020, 12:02:31 PM3/17/20
to ASL Annotation
Post any questions or discussions about using ASL Signbank with ELAN here. 

Remember that the ASL Signbank can be linked with ELAN! Go ahead and use the ECV link here - 

You can also use ELAN templates (files that end with .etf) that already have the ASL Signbank connected as an ECV. You can use this as a starting template if you're annotating ASL videos with one participant per file

See screenshot for tiers and descriptions of each. 
Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 11.50.18 AM.png

Remember that this is not the same as the SLAAASh or Family ASL project. Be sure to get the templates you need from your lab managers. 

To see how to link the ECV and to use the ASL Signbank as a lexicon service, please see this video by Onno Crasborn or the ELAN manual.

Julie A. Hochgesang

Mar 17, 2020, 2:00:49 PM3/17/20
to ASL Annotation
Make sure you're linking to the ASL Signbank ECV link (not the website) -

If you're linking to the lexicon service, make sure you're using the website address (not the ECV address above!) -

If you are a Mac user and you cannot see the ASL Signbank ECV, let me know and I'll post the fix here. 

Julie A. Hochgesang

Mar 17, 2020, 3:28:24 PM3/17/20
to ASL Annotation
If you want to type out ID glosses on the right and left hand tiers where the ASL Signbank is linked and you're seeing the full list, you need to click command+u to be able to type in your ID glosses. 

If you have other issues using the ASL Signbank, check your preferences too. I recommend these settings:

Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 3.26.43 PM.png

Danny Roush

Feb 10, 2021, 1:45:53 PM2/10/21
to ASL Annotation
I'm getting an issue with trying to view the ECV/Lexicon Service pop-up videos in ELAN.  Signs like REAL and OUR do not display the videos in ELAN, but they are viewable online in ASL Signbank.  When checking the local cached video folder, these video files do not seem to be there.  I just recently downloaded this cached lexicon service, so I don't think it is an out of date set from the source directory.  This issue has repeated itself with the same ID Glosses and the corresponding videos on a separate colleague's laptop, so I'm doubtful that it is an issue with my system requirements/configuration.

Is it possible that there are discrepancies in the set of videos that can be viewed online and the set of videos in the source lexicon service folder on the server that gets cached on a local system?  

A related problem is that some videos do not display in ELAN, but appear to be in the cached video folder such as ADDRESS-2441.mp4.  It is interesting to note that in the Mac Finder view of this folder, the file ADDRESS-2441.mp4 has "Zero bytes" in the file size column.  Could these "Zero bytes" files be corrupt?

These are not urgent issues, but thought I should report it.  Let me know if you have more questions about this.

Julie A. Hochgesang

Feb 14, 2021, 2:08:06 PM2/14/21
to ASL Annotation
Hello Danny! Thank you for reporting these issues. We've been experiencing these too. And Onno Crasborn - Global Signbank - is aware of them too. We hadn't really prioritized this issue before since we had other higher-ranking issues but hopefully this is something we can address soon. 
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