I'm getting an issue with trying to view the ECV/Lexicon Service pop-up videos in ELAN. Signs like REAL and OUR do not display the videos in ELAN, but they are viewable online in ASL Signbank. When checking the local cached video folder, these video files do not seem to be there. I just recently downloaded this cached lexicon service, so I don't think it is an out of date set from the source directory. This issue has repeated itself with the same ID Glosses and the corresponding videos on a separate colleague's laptop, so I'm doubtful that it is an issue with my system requirements/configuration.
Is it possible that there are discrepancies in the set of videos that can be viewed online and the set of videos in the source lexicon service folder on the server that gets cached on a local system?
A related problem is that some videos do not display in ELAN, but appear to be in the cached video folder such as ADDRESS-2441.mp4. It is interesting to note that in the Mac Finder view of this folder, the file ADDRESS-2441.mp4 has "Zero bytes" in the file size column. Could these "Zero bytes" files be corrupt?
These are not urgent issues, but thought I should report it. Let me know if you have more questions about this.