ABC Ride: Saturday, September 28 at 10:30 a.m. from Habitat Re-Store, Ashland

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Joel Arbeitman

Sep 26, 2024, 8:52:10 PM9/26/24
to Joel Arbeitman

This Saturday, September 28 at 10:30 a.m. the Ashland Bike Club has scheduled a ride through Sherborn and South Natick starting from the Habitat Re-Store in Ashland.

GPS Address:  310 Pond St (Route 126), Ashland, Ma   Please park as far away from the stores as possible.

Route Name:  ABC – Farm Pond and Natick Dam II (get the right version!)

Ride Rating:
Distance:  Moderate (26.0)
Elevation: Moderate (51)

Total Gain: 1333 feet
Steepest:  6.5%

Saturday’s Weather. 
Saturday promises to be a mostly cloudy day with temps in the upper-60s.  This is ideal autumn riding weather!

Saturday’s Ride
Early in the ride, and late too, we’ll use the newest section of the Sherborn Upper Charles Trail as our gateway to enter and exit the pastoral roads of Sherborn including some really scenic horse farms.  Then we’ll make our way through South Natick for a rest stop at the it-might-not-be-here-much-longer Natick Dam. Next, although it’s not steep, we’ll climb the hill-that-never-ends on our way to the beach at Farm Pond in Sherborn (underwater cycling is optional) for a second rest stop before returning to the start.

The route has lots of hills but we’ve rated the elevation as “moderate” because the hills are not steep.

Here’s a link to a map of Saturday’s route:

You can print our “official cue sheet” by clicking the link above, then click “More”, then click “Print Map and Cue PDF”, and finally click “Print Official”.


Off the Route
Our “Off the Route” feature includes various topics we hope you’ll find interesting and useful.  Please let us know what you think.


Did you ever wonder what the weather was like on the day you were born?
Or maybe the weather on some other momentous day?  Well, now you can look it up.


Just enter a location and choose a date and you’re good to go.


Check this out:


Tire pressure – Round 2
A tip of the helmet to ABC’er Richard Saffran who provided an excellent link to a tire pressure calculator.


Check it out:


Natural Settings Are Good for Your Brain

Study after study seems to indicate that younger people are opting to live in more urban environments.  For those of us who enjoy a little more of the natural world in our day, I prefer the burbs or even rural areas.  ABC puts a huge premium on spending time riding through beautiful scenery.


A new study, published in Molecular Psychiatry, which I assume most of you read regularly, provides some interesting details on why bathing yourself in nature is a great way to relieve stress. One of our riders actually wrote a thesis on the subject but I’m not saying who.


Read the article:


To recap this Saturday’s ride, we will meet at the Habitat Re-Store in Ashland at 10:30 a.m.  As always, remember to check your email after 9:00 a.m. on ride days to make sure we didn’t postpone or cancel the ride due to weather or other reasons and don’t forget those helmets.


See you soon.





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