Who is Involved?

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Feb 12, 2010, 3:16:47 PM2/12/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
Google's new initiative is so exciting!

I think there are a lot of possibilities for Asheville. We could
definitely use an influx of high-tech businesses in this area. A
Google fiber network would be a great carrot for those looking to
relocate, startup or otherwise end up in Asheville. This sounds to me
like a perfect opportunity for Advantage West or other entrepreneurial-
focused organization to jump start that kind of effort.

So, I'm wondering - who's in charge? What city agency, private company
or individual is charged with pushing this forward? Jose Ibarra
posted an article about Seattle's mayor actively promoting the city of
Seattle for the fiber network. Who in Asheville will take that torch
and run with it?

Lance Ball

Gordon Smith

Feb 12, 2010, 4:31:42 PM2/12/10
to ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for writing in, Lance. This is still coalescing, so I don't have a definite answer for you.  This initiative will be bigger than Asheville, so it's important to include regional partners as well.  By the end of next week that question will be answered.  Lots of groups are discussing this with one another.  

Gordon Smith

From: lanceball <lanc...@gmail.com>
To: Asheville's Google fiber network initiative <ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 3:16:47 PM
Subject: Who is Involved?

Scott Campbell

Feb 13, 2010, 7:34:53 AM2/13/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
I am a freelance grant/proposal writer in Asheville willing to
volunteer my time and efforts to an organized effort to pursue this
Scott Campbell

On Feb 12, 4:31 pm, Gordon Smith <gordonsmithashevi...@yahoo.com>

> Thanks for writing in, Lance. This is still coalescing, so I don't have a definite answer for you.  This initiative will be bigger than Asheville, so it's important to include regional partners as well.  By the end of next week that question will be answered.  Lots of groups are discussing this with one another.  
> Gordon Smith
> ________________________________

> From: lanceball <lanceb...@gmail.com>


Feb 13, 2010, 10:20:36 AM2/13/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
Gordon, Thanks so much for taking the time to communicate and let us
know what is beginning to happen. I am a public school teacher in
the Buncombe County Schools. I am also a graduate students in the
Instructional Technology Program at Appalachian State University. In
addition, I am the parent of two children in the Asheville City
Schools. Having Asheville and our region be involved from the outset
in this initiative by Google could be such a tremendous benefit to our
children and students. I understand the importance to every aspect of
our local and regional economy, but my focus education. I am sure ACS
and BCS will be involved in whatever effort forms locally, but I would
happily volunteer in any way if I can be of help.
Tom House

On Feb 12, 4:31 pm, Gordon Smith <gordonsmithashevi...@yahoo.com>

> Thanks for writing in, Lance. This is still coalescing, so I don't have a definite answer for you.  This initiative will be bigger than Asheville, so it's important to include regional partners as well.  By the end of next week that question will be answered.  Lots of groups are discussing this with one another.  
> Gordon Smith
> ________________________________

> From: lanceball <lanceb...@gmail.com>

Gordon Smith

Feb 13, 2010, 10:24:29 AM2/13/10
to ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com
What might be helpful - and I'm just brainstorming here - is to organize some sort of (1) online action to draw attention to the benefits of having the 1gbs system in AVL and to the excitement that it's generating; and (2) to have an action with real live people coming together to ask Google to come (like a video application almost?).

The Economic Development folks and governmental folks are going to do the formal application info, and everyone else can stir up such a buzz that Google will already have their eye on us.

Again - just brainstorming - not endorsed by the Asheville City Council.

Gordon Smith

From: Thomas_House <teh...@gmail.com>

To: Asheville's Google fiber network initiative <ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 10:20:36 AM
Subject: Re: Who is Involved?

Thomas House

Feb 13, 2010, 10:37:56 AM2/13/10
to ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com
Gordon, Both excellent ideas. I am going to think a bit more about the video concept and how to incorporate students.  I am going to share this idea with some other local educators.
Tom House

Scott Campbell

Feb 13, 2010, 2:56:42 PM2/13/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
Chris Cassels of Casabanca Digital Media (In the Flatiron building) is
wiling to shoot a video for this on Monday afternoon and/or Wednesday
morning. We will be at World Coffee Cafe Monday 11am for whoever wants
work on a video.

On Feb 13, 10:24 am, Gordon Smith <gordonsmithashevi...@yahoo.com>

> What might be helpful - and I'm just brainstorming here - is to organize some sort of (1) online action to draw attention to the benefits of having the 1gbs system in AVL and to the excitement that it's generating; and (2) to have an action with real live people coming together to ask Google to come (like a video application almost?).
> The Economic Development folks and governmental folks are going to do the formal application info, and everyone else can stir up such a buzz that Google will already have their eye on us.
> Again - just brainstorming - not endorsed by the Asheville City Council.
> Gordon Smith
> ________________________________

> From: Thomas_House <teho...@gmail.com>

Shannon Chenoweth

Feb 13, 2010, 9:09:25 PM2/13/10
to ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com
Also, I've posted about the google group and facebook group on the AskAsheville blog:


Mark Guest

Mar 2, 2010, 10:07:49 AM3/2/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
What a great idea. I'm a jazz guitarist... if there's a way to put
that skill to use, please let me know!

All the best,

Mark Guest
Jazz Guitar

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do
Confucius (c.551-479 BC)

Gordon Smith

Mar 8, 2010, 9:37:53 AM3/8/10
to ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com
Hi, Mark. I didn't hear back from you before and just wanted to make sure you got my follow up email.


From: Mark Guest <mark.c...@gmail.com>

To: Asheville's Google fiber network initiative <ashevilles-google-fib...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, March 2, 2010 10:07:49 AM

Subject: Re: Who is Involved?
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