My Google Fiber for Communities request

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Grant Millin, SPS

Feb 21, 2010, 2:15:49 PM2/21/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative,
Dear Google,

Along with for fee services, Sun Project Systems (SPS) serves the
public with social entrepreneurship and community development
efforts. I am responding to a request from Buncombe County (NC)
commissioner Holly Jones that asked citizens to push for a GFC project
in our community.

Why GFC Asheville?

Asheville is increasing dependent on a creative, SME entrepreneurial
and nonprofit community which utilizes the internet for much of their
work. Currently, these communities rely on an outdated telecomm
infrastructure. In my zip code, 28805, I cannot choose fiber optic
options. We are also very CleanTech conscious here yet few understand
how much energy it takes to push a GB of data over older hung phone
wires (e.g. ‘resistance’).

Fiber optic technology lends towards greater competition and telecomm
service options for organizations and residential consumers alike. It
can be extrapolated as to why this FO has been delayed (politics, big
telecomm competition values), but once we know better, the reasons for
delaying become less justifiable. In order to make this growing
Asheville workforce efficient, we would greatly benefit from a GFC

Thanks you for making Asheville a Google Fiber for Communities


Grant Millin, Business Design PM/CEO


Feb 22, 2010, 10:24:28 AM2/22/10
to Asheville's Google fiber network initiative
Hi Grant

Thanks for getting involved in the effort; there seems to be a nice
groundswell among the tech folks here in Asheville for support. I'm
not sure if this is the only place you posted your message. This is a
group created by Ashevillians specifically setup so that we can
discuss amongst ourselves what we can do to make this effort happen.
I don't think the Google folks are reading these messages. You might
want to consider also responding to Google directly here:

Lance Ball

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