MyGOSSCON 2010 and 36-Hour OSS WebDev Contest

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Aug 16, 2010, 9:45:45 PM8/16/10
to ASEAN Google Summer of Code
MyGOSSCON 2010 and 36-Hour OSS WebDev Contest

Grand winner to get RM10,000 in total


In 4-5 November 2009, OSCC MAMPU has successfully organised a 24-Hour
OSS Web Application Development (WebDev) Contest, in conjunction with
the premier OSS conference MyGOSSCON 2009 held in Putrajaya
International Convention Centre (PICC), Putrajaya.

The 2009 contest has attracted 25 teams formed by 104 developers to
send in their application form. 8 teams of 35 developers were short-
listed to take part in the actual competition in PICC. The winner for
2009 24-Hour OSS WebDev Contest is “bitfluent” team.

This year, OSCC MAMPU has the intention to break its own record by
organising the 36-Hour OSS Web Application Development Contest in
conjunction with MyGOSSCON 2010.

This 36-Hour OSS WebDev Contest is endorsed by the Malaysia Book of
Records to make a new record as the “Longest OSS Programming Event”.

Contest teams who take part and complete this 36-Hour OSS programming
event will be recognised as the record maker.

Contest Goals:

The goals of this contest are:
Promote high level open source web application development skills in
Enable local OSS web application development communities to grow and
establish themselves.
Encourage students to get involve in open source web application
development and be well prepared for industry need.
Stress test the human endurance in working over long hour to develop a
new computer application.

Contest Period:

The contest activity will start from 8.30pm of Wednesday 6th October
2010 and ended by 3.30pm of Friday 8th October 2010. The 36-hour
programming contest will begin at 10.00pm of Wednesday and end by
10.00am of Friday. There will be briefing session and opening ceremony
before the contest starts. After the contest ended, there will be
contest-end ceremony, immediately followed by judging session to all
the contest teams.

Contest Location:

The venue for programming contest is as follow:

Main Hall, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Institute, Persiaran KWSP,
43000 Kajang, Selangor.

Visit MyGOSSCON 2010 website for more detail

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