Help with designing Comm Strategy

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May 21, 2011, 7:15:05 PM5/21/11
to as3-signals
I am just getting started with AS3 Signals (thanks Mr Penner). I would
appreciate advice on how best to wire my application.

I have a Flash website where there is a main SWF that loads other SWF
modules. It also has a number of widgets that are also SWF files.

Now, to take it a step further, one of the widgets will be essentially
a Slideshow app that any of the modules can call to and pass an
'album' to play. Those albums will be xml files that are the
'playlist' of media files.

At this point, as each item on the playlist is loaded, I want to be
able to have that XML-node and, potentially the SWF file that was the
file loaded, communicate with all the other players (main, module,
widget, etc.)

In some cases, there may need to be staged communications between
objects, so that the module calling a slideshow album to load can
coordinate the visual transfer from the calling module to the playing
of the first item in the album.

In addition, the media file or XML-node may change the site
background, or make widgets active and visible.

Now, I know this is a lot of information for a personal use-case, but
I think that it might help others to hear how various expert users
would approach this. I think it would also be useful if the design was
both fairly-fleshed out, and suitable for adaptation and reuse.

I am particularly interested in how to design a signal protocol that
would best allow two objects to effectively do two-way communication
to coordinate a complex activity.

Thanks any and all who contribute. I look forward to your wisdom.

Hans Philip Eide

May 23, 2011, 11:07:02 AM5/23/11
Using a framework such as Gaia or similar would probably save you some time.

Hans Philip Eide

mob. 4803 0231

Øvre Korskirkeallmenningen 12
5017 Bergen


May 25, 2011, 10:24:04 PM5/25/11
to as3-signals
Thanks, Hans.

I took your advice, and am exploring, for the first time, the world of
frameworks. It looks like some combination of technologies may work.

I am not so much interested in the scaffolding capabilities of Gaia. I
have a shell or wrapper of a website that I am very happy with, so I
wouldn't want to lock myself into the distinct Gaia site structure. On
the other hand, I am very intrigued by Gaia's asset management and
transition management capabilities.

I also am intrigued by Robotlegs -- and, of course, AS3 Signals.

Will continue exploring the two and report back FTI.

Thanks again.
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