403 on published_artworks query

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david rico

Sep 24, 2015, 12:19:03 AM9/24/15
to Artsy API Developers
Hey guys, not sure if I'm doing this right, but anytime I try and retrieve published work from an artist I get a 403 forbidden. Here's the code:

getArtwork: function(ARTIST, TOKEN) {
        traverson.registerMediaType(JsonHalAdapter.mediaType, JsonHalAdapter)

        return new Promise (function(resolve, reject) {
                headers: {
                    'X-Xapp-Token': TOKEN,
                    'Accept': 'application/vnd.artsy-v2+json'
            .getResource(function(error, resource) {
                if (error) {
                } else {

Not sure if that helps. The code works fine if I retrieve artworks from an artist but not published_artwork from an artist.

Just to put things in context, I'm trying to make a flashcard game that's geared towards art history students and enthusiasts. You can see the progress by going here. It's still very new, so bugs abound! Another problem I'm having is obtaining artists with actual artwork for other categories (that's why there's only four categories at the moment). Other categories I have tried pulling from, like Pop Art, only have artists that have no artwork. It's a weird situation. 

Any help is appreciated. Again, Thanks!

Daniel Doubrovkine

Sep 26, 2015, 10:32:12 AM9/26/15
to david rico, Artsy API Developers
Sorry for the late reply. Very cool project.

Published artworks aren't all public domain, so that query is right to return a 403. But we also need a public_artworks link in there, I'll get that sorted out soon.


[A.]    Daniel Doubrovkine (dB.)
         CTO @ Artsy   




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Daniel Doubrovkine

Sep 26, 2015, 10:36:16 AM9/26/15
to david rico, Artsy API Developers
Let me take this back. It's a bug. We automatically return public domain works when you don't have all published works access, so this should work. Stay tuned.

[A.]    Daniel Doubrovkine (dB.)
         CTO @ Artsy   




Daniel Doubrovkine

Sep 26, 2015, 10:45:53 AM9/26/15
to david rico, Artsy API Developers
Let me take what I said back again :) It has been a while since I dug through the code. What I said in the first place was almost right.

- published=true returns all published works, for that you need a kind of access we currently don't grant, that returns all works, not just public domain, so you cannot follow the "published_artworks" link
- without published=true you get public domain works, which works today, so follow the "artworks" link

Let me know if that's clear(er), sorry for the confusion.

[A.]    Daniel Doubrovkine (dB.)
         CTO @ Artsy   




david rico

Sep 27, 2015, 7:59:39 PM9/27/15
to Artsy API Developers, ric...@gmail.com
Thanks :) It's clear and I understand. Thanks for getting back to me! One more issue that I'm having -- which I'm not sure is totally connected to this issue -- is that I currently have four categories the user can choose to study from. I have tried adding more categories, like Pop Art, but when I query for artists, the API returns a small a selection of artists which all have no artwork whatsoever. Is this connected the the kind of access you grant currently or is it something else? Thanks again!
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Daniel Doubrovkine

Sep 27, 2015, 9:35:35 PM9/27/15
to david rico, Artsy API Developers
Yes, unfortunately most pop art is contemporary work and we don't have the rights to redistribute the images beyond our own use. 

[A.]    Daniel Doubrovkine (dB.)
         CTO @ Artsy   




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Shobun Baile

Jan 7, 2016, 8:36:45 PM1/7/16
to Artsy API Developers, ric...@gmail.com
In terms of rights regarding the "artworks" category for contemporary art, is it only the image that is faced with the redistribution restrictions or is at all information about non-public domain artworks in your database. I'm very interested in accessing the "medium" and "title" information: would the non-image aspects of any given artwork also be restricted from the API, or are they not viewable because of the structure of the API? Thanks.
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Daniel Doubrovkine

Mar 1, 2016, 1:08:47 PM3/1/16
to Shobun Baile, Artsy API Developers, david rico
Better late than never ;)

Currently these are bundled together, ie. you cannot get non-image aspects of any given artwork either. 

We do have someone who has this on their radar, ie. to separate image data from the rest of the data and make all Artsy metadata available to apps, but no ETA.

[A.]    Daniel Doubrovkine (dB.)
         CTO @ Artsy   




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Al ex C

Feb 7, 2020, 6:21:49 AM2/7/20
to Artsy API Developers

Adding to what you and Harold discussed quite a while ago -

Can I now separate non-public-domain image data from other metadata (the latter is what we want)?

If the answer is still no, would applying for the partner API help?

Thanks in advance!
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