Artworks Enpoint returns always "Artwork Not Found"

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Manuel Schumach

Oct 12, 2023, 4:52:11 PM10/12/23
to Artsy API Developers

it seems accesing artworks with the api V2 does not work as intended.
While retrieving artists, shows or even artworks with the search endpoint, trying to access any artwork with its id is always returning "no artwork found".

You can easily test it with the Swagger Playground: 
Using search to retrieve an artwork id f.e.:

now entering this id "5f7660cd622d27000dc26684" as id param for the /api/artworks/{id} endpoint returns 
{ "type": "other_error", "message": "Artwork Not Found" }

it doesnt matter which id you enter, this endpoint always return "Artwork not Found". You can easily try it by yourself.

As i said, Search and Artist is working perfectly, only the Artworks Endpoint is not working.

Thank you for your help!

Daniel D.

Oct 12, 2023, 4:59:11 PM10/12/23
to Manuel Schumach, Artsy API Developers

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Manuel Schumach

Oct 12, 2023, 5:07:31 PM10/12/23
to Artsy API Developers
Thanks a lot, this id works fine.

is there a way to find out which artworks are public domain and which are not (except checking for "other_error" in the response type)?

I also have troubles using the search endpoint only for artist and artworks:
Adding "more:pagemap:metatags-og_type:artist" to the search query as it is suggested in the api docs here always returns an empty array.

Can you help me with that problem too?

Daniel D.

Oct 14, 2023, 10:32:10 AM10/14/23
to Manuel Schumach, Artsy API Developers
> is there a way to find out which artworks are public domain and which are not (except checking for "other_error" in the response type)?

Like all Hypermedia APIs you will not hit an artwork that's not public if you follow links. I suppose the question is, what are you trying to do?

I don't know anything more about the search API, someone at Artsy should be able to answer.

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