API Access Question

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Erin Green

Nov 23, 2019, 5:48:10 PM11/23/19
to Artsy API Developers

I am trying to use the Artsy Public API for a school project and I am having trouble accessing the GET requests with my app's token.  I generated the token but I'm not sure how to structure the API call without using the curl command that is outlined in the docs.  For example, I am using Postman to ensure that my API calls are correct and I'm not sure how to include my token to authenticate the request.  What is the structure for the params in a normal URL request? Should it be something like this?

GET "https://api.artsy.net/api/artworks?size=10&X-Access-Token:[mytoken]"

I am a student so using an outside API is fairly new to me. Apologies if this is straightforward!

Thanks for your help,


Daniel D.

Nov 24, 2019, 10:53:02 AM11/24/19
to Erin Green, Artsy API Developers
In Postman you want to set "X-Auth-Token" as a header in the request, not as a parameter in the URL.

https://learning.getpostman.com/docs/postman/sending-api-requests/requests/ has screenshots on setting headers, in case it's helpful. 

Find all info about the Artsy.net API at https://developers.artsy.net.
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