Hello all,
Friday’s are fun for me ‘cause it’s time for sharing my weekly round
up with you.
While the house is still looking like a renovating area, I kind of
feel displaced. There is stuff everywhere & somehow it’s not harmonic
enough for me to work in.
Lots of stuff is in boxes & I don’t really know where to find things
We got rid of some old furniture that was in the house. It was in here
when I bought it & now it felt like time to get it out: a table and 6
chairs, a long dressoir cupboard and a bookcase/cupboard. The
cupboards all had marble on them so they were super heavy to get out
of the house. The livingspace looks super empty with only one couch
left but I’m sure it will fill up again soon.
In fact, yesterday we went to pick up a workbench for me that I found
on a secondhand site. I love it as it’s handmade, sturdy and oh so
Soon the hunting for some decent racks, cupboards and chairs can
I finished up the painting job over the weekend and it took some time
too to clean up all the mess and the little bits and bobs that needed
to be done.
But I also went to pick up my new glasses – wanna see?
I also managed to finish crocheting all the squares for the babette
blanket and I think it already looks supercool on our couch (even
though it’s not sewed together yet)
On sunday I posted a tutorial on how to make little booklets in my
blog. It’s such a great way to recycle paper left overs. It’s my
partner who showed me how to do it so I reckon he’s a crafty fellow!
I don’t know how many times I tried to start reading the Secret Santa
questionnaires from the European Streetteam on Etsy but somehow I just
couldn’t concentrate. I postponed it until they would all come in and
I would do a marathon matching everyone. That is what I’ll still be
doing today after spending a whole day matching yesterday. No surprise
as there are about 99 participants! But it’s so much fun to read all
the answers to the questions. I will also be sharing them on my blog
and I’m doing the preparation for that too while I read them so that’s
why it’s taking me so long. I hope to finish the task today though!
I did have a bit of time to do some claying too. I made big buttons
for one of our teammembers – really big – they will look supe rcool
and once they are finished I’ll show you. I made some cups as a gift
for someone and it made me realize that I’m not good at functional
ware as the handles too me ages!
And of course I spent some time working on the secret project.
Want to know what we’re up to?
I was hoping to fire the kiln this weekend but won’t be able as it’s
not filled enough so I’m not going to stress about it but just let go
of the thought…
Oh, and in between all that, I also booked a flight to Portugal to go
and visit my sweet friend Kerrin from Sigmosaics. She’s moving back to
New Zealand at the end of October and asked me if I wanted to come for
a visit before she left.
I just couldn’t say no… I’m superexcited to go and see her and her
sweet kiddies & hopefully we’ll have a chance to meet up with Nanouke
too! Oh joy!
Hope you are all in good spirits and enjoying life!
Happy weekend to you all!