Hello all,
The past weekend has been one of reflection on what I do daily.
Somehow I try to squeeze in too much in my days and it’s causing a bit
of stress. That’s why I decided to relax a bit more and not worry
about not blogging every day, not worry about not being able to read
all the blogs in my reader, not worry about having my holiday items in
my shop on time, not worry about not looking at the Etsy treasuries
I’m featured in, not worry in general…
It’s all so relative when you come to think off it. I read this line
in one of the blogs that I follow and I absolutely love it as it
depicts exactly as I feel: ‘I'm going to keep working my butt off
until this thing works because I love it and I want it more than I've
wanted anything in my life. It isn't a hobby, and it isn't a passing
phase. It's me.’
But being honest and nice to myself will leave me with a good feeling
for longer so I should not stretch beyond like I have been doing the
past months…
Don’t know if I can keep up with a slower pace as I’m the kind of
person who needs a certain amount of adrenaline and activities to go
through life, but at least I want to try.
I want to try to spent less time on-line and have more home-time.
Is it called nesting? In my case not nesting for a baby but for giving
new ideas a chance and for playing around with clay, yarn and paper
and sip tons of tea and have some biscuits on the side as well.
I wanted to fire porcelain temperature last weekend but realised that
it all
had to be sanded and I would not be able to do it right away. *Sigh*
Then it hit me that my holiday items could also be used for Valentine
and so it will be: relax and take it easy.
I sold a lot of feelings the past weekend and some of them are not ‘in
stock’ anymore so I need to get the feeling factory working again. I’m
kind of nervous when things sell that are not in stock as I want to
ship asap.
I was also skippy happy to have passed the 99th sold feeling… :)
Last wednesday I had a friend (Viltalakim on Etsy) come over to chat
and clay here. It was fun & inspiring. It’s so nice to have someone to
actually talk to while I work instead of talking to myself all day. I
made a few gifts for a friend. Won’t be able to show it in my blog as
I know she reads it.
It was good to do something different then my daily routine.
The past week I have been struggling too with a request from my
collaboration partner. If I could make a porcelain Barbie hand? I
thought it would be easy but it wasn’t. Read all about it here:
In the mean time I have made it work & already have a few hands to
fire! Yeah! Happy to beat Barbie!
I still don’t have the red yarn to finish off my Babette blanket. None
of the shops have it in stock at the moment. I’ll have to go to my
supplier in Holland to get it – dangerous place as I already have a
whole list of things I need from there.
Hope you are all in good spirits and enjoying life!
Happy weekend to you all!