How fast weeks go by and lately when I sit down to write my weekly
newsletter on thursday, I think: wouldn’t it be better to write a
monthly newsletter? That way I’m not confronted with how fast time
flies and you’re not bored with endless ramblings weekly. Still
debating about it…
The most fun part of last weekend was a birthday party my partner and
I hosted for a group of 10 year olds in a limestone cave. Since my
partner is a guide in the caves, people sometimes ask if they can
celebrate their kids birthday party there. We kind of liked the idea
of entertaining a bunch of kids with a fun & creative activity.
Basicly, the kids come into the cave blindfolded and then have to
search with their flashlights for all the creative ingredients: wood,
limestones & tin. In between we play a game and when they have found
it all, we get creative. While my partner makes a little fire, I teach
the kids how they can make their own amulet or coin by scratching with
tools into the limestone. When they are finished designing their
amulet, my partner poors tin in the moulds the kids made and the
kiddies get to take the result home. The kids love it as it’s
different and fun to do.
Not the regular McDonalds, bowling or indoor-playground party but an
exciting and unique experience. We don’t do it very often but love it
when people ask us.
I had one of those ‘crawl-under-a-rock-and-stay-there-all-day’-days on
monday and was superglad that the bad feeling I had disappeared when I
woke up on Tuesday. Spring vibes ran through my body and I cleaned the
entire house from top till bottom. Much needed of course.
Wednesday was a perfect spring day – although it could have been a bit
sunnier – to sit outside and enjoy the sun while crafting.
I made some prototypes for some tutorials & it was fun. Hope to
publish one soon.
I also got a haircut and that was much needed too. It had been, ahem,
two years that I had been to the hairdresser so you can imagine the
state of the ends… :)
I finally got off my bum and photographed some piggybanks that were
ready since a month or two. I really dislike taking item pics as it is
super time consuming to edit and list them. I still have a bunch of
singing birds waiting too but they just have to be patient. After all,
it IS spring so I have to enjoy it! :)
And I’ve done something with a fishtail. I’m excited about it although
the pics in my blogpost are a bit gross…
Happy weekend to you all!