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Newsletter 47 - December 2009

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Dec 18, 2009, 4:00:43 AM12/18/09
to ArtMind mailinglist
Hello all,

It had been a long time ago that I was sick on the couch all weekend
but of all weekends, it had to be on my birthday. Too bad but I could
not stretch it really, sick is sick. So I spent the day watching
movies & eating cake.
You can read all about it here:

I felt kind of better on Sunday evening and thought I was ready to
face the pile of work that was awaiting me. But up until now, I still
don’t feel great. Although I can work, it’s not the usual pace that is
regular for me.
But I did start working on Monday. Catching up on e-mail and making
packages. The features I had in the past weeks made for many sales. I
hope all these packages will arrive in time for X-mas.

Since a few feelings sold from which I only had a one in stock, I
headed back to the feeling factory to make more. It’s fun – the list
to make never seems to end. On top of that, I had two requests to
custom make some feelings – it will be a fun process to work on those
together with the customer.

On Wednesday, Anna and I could finally reveal our big secret and we
are so happy with all the lovely comments on our work. We’ll have to
work really hard now to meet our 4th of January listing promise but
it’s all fun.
There is much more in the pipeline so be sure to check out Anna’s shop
in the new year.
It’s great to have a partner in crime too – too bad we live so far

I’m tinkering about entering an art competition too. There is no
reason why I shouldn’t really but I’m afraid with all that’s on my
plate already, it’s going to be really tough to handle all.
It seems like my handmade life is working from early morning till late
at night but I love it all except the bookkeeping bit - bweurk!

I’m looking forward to take it a bit slower over the holiday period:
blog less frequent and work on something new I have in mind for
Oh and I will have to show you all the lovely things I received over
the past few weeks from various people. It’s amazing that people send
packages just because… can’t wait to blog about ‘em! :)

On the crochet side I have been slacking – got nothing done at all but
that’s OK, I can’t do it all…

I wish you all a lovely X-mas and joyful celebrations.


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