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Newsletter 2 - ArtMind - January 2010

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Jan 15, 2010, 3:00:41 AM1/15/10
to ArtMind mailinglist
Hello all,

The weekend was spend claying birds, birds, birds & make lace lights
in between. Excellent thing to do while it was snowing and mighty cold
I also treated myself to some yummy hot ‘n spicy chocolate. Feel free
to make some yourself too:

During the weekend, I was asked by Krystal from RikRak on Etsy to be a
judge for the Handmade Olympics. I was immediately very enthusiast
about the games & didn’t have to think long. Besides that, you can’t
refuse sweet RikRak something as she’s a super nicey! :)
I’ll be judging all nominations for nicey/nicies that forward kindness
thru handmaking. It made me all giddy that she chose me to jugde this
I can’t wait to see all the entries! So feel free to nominate someone
that you look up to in the handmade world. I’m sure there are plenty
of people out there who really deserve it!
Read all about it here:

I did some glazing work and made some test-tiles for a new red glaze
that I bought and it came out great! I love red but I find it such a
hard color to glaze. Also managed to catch up with feedback & e-mails.

I have a virtual table at Poppytalk Handmade’s ‘Love transforms’
market starting on the 18th of January till February 12th so I have
been filling my table. After making all these Valentine items, it
would be nice if they would sell too! J
I’m excited about Poppytalk & I’ll also be making some nice tutorials
for their blog. I’ll definitely drop the link to those in my blog so
you don’t have to miss any of my tutorials. :)

Further this week I have done my paperwork which is just a horrible
task. I hate paperwork & I just let it pile up until well… it needs
sorting which is in my case more or less twice a year. I do try to
keep up with my monthly bookkeeping as that would be crazy to do all
at once. So boring…

I also signed up for an art competition in Belgium which is called
‘the Canvas collection’. I have been debating whether I should sign up
or not but I really have nothing to loose. I just needed the self-
confidence to sign up and so I did… Wish me luck! :)

And look at my first printed feature:

Happy weekend to you all!

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