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Newsletter 4 - ArtMind - January 2010

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Jan 29, 2010, 2:18:35 AM1/29/10
to ArtMind mailinglist
Hello all,

So, I decided to take it a bit slower and catch up on some house
chores and relax a bit more. After all, I have been working a lot so,
I treated myself actually to a weekend!
Jip, a weekend! A word that seemed to have disappeared out of my
vocabulary and I’m glad I digged it up again.
I enjoyed lots of cups of tea, read a bit, crocheted, walked, had a
friend over for dinner and in general be happy & relaxed. Felt good!
Really good! :)

We relaxed so much that on Monday I realised that we forgot to go to
an exhibition that I wanted to see. It’s just a small scale exhibition
but every time they change it, I try to go there.
This time it was mainly ceramic work so I didn’t want to miss out.
You can see an impression here:

The rest of the week was spent in the feeling factory. It had been a
long time since I made any and I wanted to make the ones that were out
of stock. While doing that, the idea that for a custom feeling took
I wrote about it here:
While making feelings, I also slipcasted hands, hands & hands and
cursed a lot since for making one of them, about 4 come out with a
broken thumb. Such a pain. It’s just very fragile. But they look great
once they are all finished.

Today I will spend my day with my bag of porcelain clay. It’s been a
while and Anna from LilaRubyKing send me a new shopping list. I hope
to try a few new things here and there as that’s what’s making it fun.

Since I finished my Babette blanket, I’m pondering if I should
continue with my granny squares or start my ripple blanket. I can’t
decide as they are both fun…

Happy weekend to you all!

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