The weekend was spend gallivanting around and doing nothing special in
particular: some cleaning, some shopping, some cooking and some
It was good to escape from my to-do list and I really enjoyed it.
I did start working properly again on monday as I can’t really beat
around the (to-do) bush any longer. When I looked at the list of
feelings that has to be made, I eagerly started. After not having made
feelings for a while, it felt good to be back in the factory. :)
On Tuesday, the female members of my family wanted to go shopping and
as my nephew (10) hates shopping, he stayed with me. We did some
baking together – he’s a good chef to have around as we made a pie,
crumble and pancakes. I taught him how to flip the pancakes in the pan
and that was definitely the highlight of his day. And we played
Carcassonne together. Carcassonne is a fairly strategic board game
which was new to him and he loved it. Clever kid he is.
After shopping the crumble and pie were eaten and my friend came to
pick me up for a visit to IKEA. I got home at 8.30pm and was so happy
to finally have a moment to myself.
I don’t understand how mommy’s get any work done at all - I only took
care of my nephew for half a day…
Wednesday and Thursday were still spent on making feelings – it’s a
slow process and I did get distracted and made some bunny like
You can see one of them in process here:
I hope to have all of ‘em up in my shop next week.
I still don’t have enough to fill the kiln so most likely I’ll be in
the factory again today. I prefer firing a full kiln than a half empty
I did make some porcelain bits an pieces in between too and I should
not have done that ‘cause that really holds back the process. I should
stick to one sort of clay, clean up and do the next but somehow I want
to execute ideas all at once which slows everything down. *Sigh*
And there is a new tutorial of me on Poppytalk today and like before,
you can win the end result by leaving a comment in my blog. Hop over
to Poppytalk to see what it’s all about first.
Happy weekend to you all!