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Newsletter 34 - September 2009

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Sep 11, 2009, 1:09:19 AM9/11/09
to ArtMind mailinglist
Hello all,

My partner had guided tours all weekend so I had time to art my heart
I decided to tackle my to-do list which involved making feelings and
glazing. But unfortunately, things turned out differently as most of
my weekend was spent playing around with the secret project.
Read the latest news about that here:

On Sunday, I posted a tutorial about ‘how to use a metal letter stamp
set’ and made some fun gift tags with it out of polymer clay. If you
are interested to win these, you can leave a comment below the
blogpost. I’ll draw a winner next Sunday.

Monday was spent cleaning and clearing away things. Much needed as it
seemed ages ago since we last did that. However, I do a little mopping
and wiping in between, nothing beats the smell of a freshly cleaned
I will never become a fan of cleaning though… sigh
I did manage to photograph & list a few piggybanks in my Etsy shop. I
wonder if people ask themselves why there is such a huge difference in
price compared to the mini-art-feelings… After all, these are quite
big & much cheaper.
Perhaps I should make it more clear in the listing that these are
functional items while the feelings are art objects. If you have any
thoughts about this, don’t hesitate to let me know! ;)

From Tuesday on, I had three days left to fill the kiln. I need to
fire it today as there is some stuff in there that I want to take to
the fair with me on Sunday.
I clayed like crazy and didn’t get it all filled up but I’m glad I
managed to get a lot done. I really hope that I have enough stock to
keep me of the regular clay for a while. I’m very anxious to start
working on the secret project but it’s hard when lots of other things
are in my mind.

Yesterday, my creative space was posted on ShareSomeCandy. It’s hard
to show my space as it’s so small but I did manage to make a few nice
shots of it.

And today, I posted a tutorial on ‘how to make a Halloween ghost’ in
my blog.
A fun project especially for kids but I had lots of fun making it
too! :)

Hope you are all in good spirits and enjoying life!
Happy weekend to you all!
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