Hello all,
Somehow I still must be in holiday mode. How could this week fly by so
fast while I have the feeling I haven’t achieved much at all.
My goal was to fire the kiln during the weekend but I failed. Always
something else came in between and seemed more important.
I do wonder how cleaning and ironing can be more important though?
Jip, I’m leading a mundane life here… NOT!
I have been trying to go out for a walk everyday – just around our
neighborhood or into the city. Feels good to be outside as the weather
has been really, really beautiful. They do predict rain so I’m not
sure if I will be able to keep up with it as I don’t really fancy
walking in my rainsuit!
Work wise my week has been about glazing, procrastinating, checking
the mail for supplies, claying some feelings, thinking about the
secret squirrel gifts, procrastinate some more, making a cool shaving
cup (will show when it’s finished), drinking loads of herbal tea,
making something new and cute, thinking about my next tutorial, paying
a visit to the thriftshop, checking the feedback from my secret
partner & working on more things for the secret project (latest post:
, worrying about a not arriving package, not reading my blogroll (miss
that though), …
In the end, I put on the kiln to fire on wednesday and oh joy, I can
open it today.
Just when I’m about to open it, the lightbulb broke and we don’t have
any new ones around. *sigh* Will have to wait until it get’s light
outside. I’m anxious to see my sample tiles & will show them in my
Flickr soon.
Friday’s are always fun though, not only because the weekend starts
but also because it’s the day I post the Secret Santa posts for our
team in my blog. I share some of the answers with the team and other
blog readers and I just love to put those posts together although they
take forever! J
This week’s question ‘what is something unique and awesome about you?’
Have you ever thought about that?
And I can’t wait to show you the progress on my Babette Blanket this
week so make sure to hop into my blog on Saturday. I have been a been
cheeky though…
Hope you are all in good spirits and enjoying life!
Happy weekend to you all!