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Newsletter 44 - November 2009

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Nov 27, 2009, 4:05:53 AM11/27/09
to ArtMind mailinglist
Hello all,

After all my intentions to do things at a slower pace last week, I
must confess I did not really succeed in that yet.

I made lots of feelings last week and they were ready to be fired but
I also wanted to include some more porcelain pieces to the batch. It’s
much easier to sand fired ware when it’s not fired high temperature so
I pulled a late nighter on monday and put on the kiln at 2AM.

Tuesday I felt like I could conquer the world. After a few days of
intense claying it felt good to have it all firing away. I managed to
get half of my to do list done too so I made a new one as half a list
does not seem to motivate me. :) I even went to the movies in the

On wednesday morning I unloaded the kiln and apart from a few
experiments with glass, all came out wonderfully. Happy me.
You can read about the experiment here:
It also shows a batch of Barbie hands that need sanding but I’m sure a
few good ones will come out of that.
In the afternoon, I went to help out a friend who is renovating and
promised to give her a hand during the weekend too.

Thursday I continued what I started Wednesday: sanding porcelain.
Bweurk! I really hate sanding but it looks and feels so much better
when it’s done.
I’ll continue doing that today ‘cause I want the kiln firing by the
end of the afternoon so I can unload it on Sunday. It contains some
gifts I need to take to a party then.

So nothing really exciting in studio ArtMind this week besides a lot
of stress but I’m sure that once I have that porcelain firing away,
I’ll be a lot more at ease and I can finally do all the nothing I
want! :)

Hope you are all in good spirits and enjoying life!
Happy weekend to you all!
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