Artists At Large

Contact owners and managers
1–30 of 3920
Welcome to the Artists At Large mailing list!

This is quite simply just a "Call To Artists" Primarily for Houston area.
Everything from job calls, specific trades, galleries, festivals, art markets and a whole lot more.

I'm Mitch, I started this list about the same time as I did First Saturday Arts Market.
On occasion I'll send out a special announcement from me too!

A little bit about how this list works:
  • Announcement only- replies come just to me.
  • Contact info is in each email.
  • For time sensitive - deadlines too.
  • UNLESS I say I endorse something, I'm just passing it along. (I hit forward ...)
  • Use your best judgement when applying for any show or whenever someone wants your hard earned money!
  • IF you want to send something to the group just send it to me and SAY SO IN THE EMAIL SUBJECT LINE!!!
  • Links to unsubscribe and how to receive email, or turn off and read online is at the bottom of each email.
If you see something of interest to your fellow artists please pass it along to me and I'll send it out!

Best format to contact the group...
Sent requests to me.
ArtValet [AT]
SUBJECT: Call To Artists: your subject
CONTACT: email and/or phone. One or both.
CONTENT: Try to cover the basics to get the best results. Include a deadline.
Graphics are okay, but try to include text for faster response time.


Mitch Cohen
832-273-4798 | | @ArtValet