Periscope: Artist Entrepreneur Training applications open!

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Casey Summar

Feb 9, 2017, 5:16:18 PM2/9/17

Hello Art-Talk folks!

We've just opened applications for our 4th cohort of Periscope: Artist Entrepreneur Training, a program designed to help artists make a living and a life from their creative endeavors.


A promotional email with all the details is below and you can find more information and a link to the application on our on our website. Applications are due on March 6th

Please let me know what questions you may have!




Arts and Business Council of Greater Nashville
Announcing Applications for the 2017 class of 
Periscope: Artist Entrepreneur Training!

Periscope empowers artists to see their work through an entrepreneurial lens

Deadline to apply is March 6th
This six-week intensive training opportunity is hosted at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center (EC)Led by the EC’s VP of Entrepreneurship, along with break-out sessions facilitated with Nashville’s top arts professionals, Periscope gives artists the perspective and tools to organize, plan, and sustain their creative careers with the goal of preparing each artist to take their career to the next level.
The program is designed to be a transformative experience for each artist, sparking the moment when their career will really start to take off. Periscope provides training, exchange, mentorship, and exposure at the Periscope Pitch.
Learn more & apply today! 
"Being accepted to Periscope has given me a new level of confidence about my creative practice. So many doors have opened since the completion of our course work, and I now see my work as something of value for which I should be paid. My audience has expanded drastically and I'm collaborating with partners that I never knew would want to work with me."
"Periscope helped free me of the chains I allowed the business world put on me as an artist. I learned how to outline and organize my thoughts into lists, grow my jewelry business, create the steps to reach my goals, and how to achieve them in a time frame. The mentor program was priceless."
"I think my biggest take-away was a greater ability to focus on core practical goals and distill what I do in a manner than made it more accessible, or at least understandable, for others while at the same time defining my art and myself as unique. 2015 has been a wonderful year so far, and I feel that Periscope has been an important part of it, lending me thrust and perspective."
Periscope is a program of the Arts & Business Council, 
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Casey Summar
Executive Director
Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville
1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37212

Cultivating Nashville's creative community

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