> I am in desperate need of some help. We had a person working here who
> handled this software and he left rather abruptly. I cannot for the
> life of me figure out how to make the listing automatically update
> every time something new is added.
There is only one way with the current version - you need to call AHL to
generate a new listing via the command line when the directory content
changes. There is a class of programs called directory monitors, you need
to use one of them.
and if I want to make the build occur when the
directory is modified, I have to monitor the directory and feed that
information into the batch file that calls the build function?
Yes, but you don't feed anything into AHL, you just call it via the
command line, passing a project file. You need to create the project file
first, specifying a template, source directory, output file, etc.
No, this is an output file. A project file is a file that you create via
Project > Save. It comprises all settings of listing generation, including
the template, source directory, etc. There are lots of options there.