Expandable Tree + Images/Links

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Dastral Shiva

Jul 21, 2011, 5:32:11 AM7/21/11
to Art HTML Listing

I've been using the software for a long time (2 years) and i just love
However i noticed that it is very "sharing unfriendly" if we share the
Expandable Version...
If i share my listings with someone that doesn't have the software
installed (everyone) they get :

toggle Expand all toggle Collapse all

toggle icon Aliens
toggle icon Babylon 5
toggle icon Bard's Tale
toggle icon Battlestar Galactica
toggle icon Battletech
toggle icon Buffy the Vampire Slayer
toggle icon Conan
toggle icon Dark Sun

Its not "deal breaking" but i'd like something "better looking".

I have asked a friend that know a "little bit" of Java/Html but we got
horrible results trying to remake templates.
http://www.filedropper.com/templates to make matters worse, they dont
speak english :(

I'd really appreciate if you could help me change 2 things :
A) Remove the "Link" to the files (as it is useless when giving
I saw this link http://groups.google.com/group/art-html-listing/browse_thread/thread/99e1e70c5a9838b7#

B) Remove all the "images", like the [+] or [-] or MP3Icon or
VIDEOIcon etc etc.

All help would be welcome.

Thank you !

PS : I bought the software on dastr...@yahoo.fr

Paul (ZZEE)

Jul 22, 2011, 6:39:17 AM7/22/11
to art-html...@googlegroups.com
First copy the template with Template > Copy Template, then edit the copy.
You need understanding HTML to be able to edit the template.

> I'd really appreciate if you could help me change 2 things :
> A) Remove the "Link" to the files (as it is useless when giving
> listings)
> I saw this link
> http://groups.google.com/group/art-html-listing/browse_thread/thread/99e1e70c5a9838b7#

To get rid of the link replace line # 110

<a href="<!--#echoe var='relurl'-->"><!--#echo var="fullname" --></a></li>


<!--#echoe var='relurl'-->"><!--#echo var="fullname" --></li>

> B) Remove all the "images", like the [+] or [-] or MP3Icon or
> VIDEOIcon etc etc.

To remove icons for files, replace line # 109

<li><span class="zzspace" />&#160;&#160; <img src="<!--#echo
var='image_dir' --><!--#echo var='icon' -->" width="24" height="24"


<li><span class="zzspace" />&#160;&#160;

To remove + - icon for directories edit line # 102 removing the <img> tag
from there.




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