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Art HTML Listing

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Sep 9, 2009, 11:52:06 PM9/9/09
to Art HTML Listing
The expandable/collapsible tree directory listing work fine in IE but
it is partially collapsed of firefox... Any idea how to fix this
problem. It looks odd.

How can you edit the daugther XHTML that is generated from classic list

Paul (ZZEE)

Sep 10, 2009, 7:36:35 AM9/10/09
> The expandable/collapsible tree directory listing work fine in IE but
> it is partially collapsed of firefox... Any idea how to fix this
> problem. It looks odd.

Both versions must be collapsed. IE doesn't turn javascript on for files
loaded from your computer, they must reside on some web server for
javascript to be turned on. The tree should work the same in both IE and
FF (as well as other popular browsers). Please look at this sample online
with all of your browsers:

> How can you edit the daugther XHTML that is generated from classic list

You can edit a *template* that generates listings, so all of your
liststings generated with this template will look differently. Or you can
edit the generated output. To edit templates I recommend specialized text
editors for editing HTML source, like Notepad++. To edit output you can
use either a WYSIWYG editor or a source editor.

More info is here:

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