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Batch file clarification

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Feb 6, 2009, 2:24:28 PM2/6/09
to Art HTML Listing
Haven't use batch files in many years so please correct my logic:
Goal: execute via batch file (*.bat) in vista 4 project files (*.ahl)
1. Saved one project file as master.ahl
2. Copied the text between <project> and </project> of the 3 remaining
project files and pasted them one after another - not including the
<project> and </project> tags
3. created batch file that is a one liner to execute the master.ahl
with the following line:
C:\Program Files\ZZEE\AHL3\zahl3.exe master.ahl

didn't work ... any ideas?

Paul (ZZEE)

Feb 6, 2009, 3:03:57 PM2/6/09
> Haven't use batch files in many years so please correct my logic:
> Goal: execute via batch file (*.bat) in vista 4 project files (*.ahl)
> 1. Saved one project file as master.ahl
> 2. Copied the text between <project> and </project> of the 3 remaining
> project files and pasted them one after another - not including the
> <project> and </project> tags

You *should* include the <project> and </project> tags. So your .ahl file
must look like:

... project 1 contents ...
... project 2 contents ...
... project 3 contents ...

> 3. created batch file that is a one liner to execute the master.ahl
> with the following line:
> C:\Program Files\ZZEE\AHL3\zahl3.exe master.ahl
> didn't work ... any ideas?

Also please put your .ahl file to the folder where AHL is intalled, i.e.
to "C:\Program Files\ZZEE\AHL3".

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