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Aug 26, 2011, 12:53:38 PM8/26/11
to Art HTML Listing

I bought your software a few weeks ago and so far have found it to be
pretty cool for the basic things I need. I am now trying to do a "CD
Index" and am having a few issues. The directory structure is the


I have icons named the same names as the program but for the life of
me, I cannot get MY icons to show up. I have used all manner of
addresses (i.e. /IndexImages/, ../IndexImages/, ../../IndexImages/) in
the "path to icons" setting but nothing seems to work and the default
icons located on the "C:" drive are the one's used. Are there any
settings that might need to be made to the template in order to have

I also saw in another thread where someone asked about absolute and
relative links, and the answer given was to edit the template and
replace the "relurl" with "absurl" (and vice a versa). Being that this
is a CD project, and that people are going to have different drives on
their systems, which do you think is the best way to go? I am a
technical person, but not a web person), and for some reason,
attempting to grasp the concept on when to you relative and absolute
links is pretty crazy.

I imagine if I can get these few things squared away, I can finish
this project, so any help would be immensely appreciated.

Paul (ZZEE)

Aug 30, 2011, 9:13:49 AM8/30/11
> ..\Folder1
> ..\Folder2
> ..\Folder3
> ..\IndexImages
> I have icons named the same names as the program but for the life of
> me, I cannot get MY icons to show up. I have used all manner of
> addresses (i.e. /IndexImages/, ../IndexImages/, ../../IndexImages/) in
> the "path to icons" setting but nothing seems to work and the default
> icons located on the "C:" drive are the one's used. Are there any
> settings that might need to be made to the template in order to have
> this?

Please first uncheck the "Use local icons" checkbox.

When you use image path like '/IndexImages/' you give an absolute path.
Absolute paths begin with a slash. If a path does not begin with a slash,
then this is technically a relative path. So if you want to have a CD
index, you should use relative paths, because you don't know which drive
letter a CD drive is on users computers.

Which path you put there depends where you put this index files and where
images are on your CD. If your index file is right in the root directory
of a CD, and images are in the IndexImages directory, which is a
subdirectory of the root directory, then your path that you put to that
box should be simply "IndexImages/".

> I also saw in another thread where someone asked about absolute and
> relative links, and the answer given was to edit the template and
> replace the "relurl" with "absurl" (and vice a versa). Being that this
> is a CD project, and that people are going to have different drives on
> their systems, which do you think is the best way to go? I am a
> technical person, but not a web person), and for some reason,
> attempting to grasp the concept on when to you relative and absolute
> links is pretty crazy.

Relative paths is your choice.



Aug 30, 2011, 10:45:23 AM8/30/11
to Art HTML Listing
I figured this out not too long after I posted. I tried every
deviation but as soon as I took away that front slash, it worked

Thanks again for your help!
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