Gene ST array summarisation by probeset?

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Sophie Marion de Procé

Apr 7, 2017, 11:29:39 AM4/7/17
to aroma.affymetrix
Dear all,

I'm analysing a Rat Gene ST 2.1 array. I would like to filter the dataset using thresholds of expression for a minimum proportion of samples in each group.
I've been following the paper by Rodrigo-Domingo et al. (2014) Reproducible probe-level analysis of the Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST array with R/Bioconductor.

They have two steps to the filtering step, first they filter probesets and then the transcripts. I'm getting stuck at the filtering step (code chunk number 7: intensityFiltering in the R code provided in this paper), as I can't find a way to summarise the Gene St array at the probeset level in order to do the first step. I have used plm <- RmaPlm(can) to summarise my data at the transcript level, but the plmPs  <- RmaPlm(csN, mergeGroups = FALSE) seems to summarise by transcripts as well.

So my questions are:
1) Is it possible to summarise a Gene ST array at the probeset level? If yes, how?
2) Less specific to the aroma-affymetrix package, but is it necessary to have the probeset-level dataset in order to filter present/absent probes/transcripts? What would be an appropriate workflow for this?

Thank you very much for your help,
Best wishes,

Here is the code chunk from that paper:

### code chunk number 7: intensityFiltering

# ** user-defined groups; default: groups defined by the treatment column in SampleInformation.txt
.info$number <- seq(1, nrow(
<- split($number,$treatment)

# check whether the filtering is already performed, perform it otherwise
# at probeset level
if(file.exists(file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentProbesets", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))){
(file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentProbesets", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
} else {
# remove cross-hybridising probesets
.crosshyb.probesets <- probesets.NetAffx.32$probeset_id[probesets.NetAffx.32$crosshyb_type == 1]
(file= paste(output.folder, "CoreExonIntensities.Rdata", sep = "/"))
.intensities <- exFit[exFit$groupName %in% non.crosshyb.probesets, -c(3:5)]

# ** user-defined criteria for absent/present probesets
# ** criterion 1: probeset absent/present in a group of samples: present in at least half of the samples
.exons <- lapply(groups, FUN = function(group){
if(length(group) > 1){
(log2(exon.intensities[, group + 2]) < 3, 1, sum)/length(group) < 0.5
} else {
(exon.intensities[, group + 2]) > 3
.exons <- t(, present.exons))  # convert to dataframe
(present.exons) <- exon.intensities$groupName  # use probeset identities

# ** criterion 2: probeset absent/present in the dataset
# remove probesets not present in any of the groups
.exons <- apply(present.exons, 1, AllFalse)
.to.keep <- absent.exons[absent.exons == FALSE]
.to.keep <- as.factor(names(
.present.exons <- length(
(list = c("absent.exons"))
(, file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentProbesets", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
# check whether transcript filtering has been performed; perform it if not
if(file.exists(file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentTranscripts", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))){
(file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentTranscripts", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
} else {
(file= paste(output.folder, "CoreExonIntensities.Rdata", sep = "/"))
.intensities <- exFit[exFit$groupName %in% non.crosshyb.probesets, -c(3:5)]

# ** user-defined criteria for absent transcripts:
# criterion 1: half or more of probesets of transcript present in sample
# --> transcript present in sample
.transcripts <- unique(exon.intensities$unitName)
# create a list of transcript clusters present/absent in each sample
.genes    <- lapply(core.transcripts, FUN = function(gene){
(log2(exon.intensities[exon.intensities$unitName == gene, -c(1:2)]) < 3, 2, sum)/
(exon.intensities[exon.intensities$unitName == gene,]$groupName) < 0.5
})# FALSE: gene not present in sample
(present.genes) <- core.transcripts
.genes <-, present.genes) # convert to logical matrix

# criterion 2: transcript present in at least half of the samples of a group
# --> transcript present in the group
 present <- lapply(groups, FUN = function(group){
if(length(group) > 1){
(present.genes[ , group], 1, sum)/length(group) >= 0.5
} else {
.genes[ , group]
 present <-, # logical matrix
 present <- t(
# keep genes only present in at least two groups
.to.keep <- apply(, 1, TwoOrMoreTrue)
.to.keep <- names([ == TRUE])
(, file = paste(output.folder, "/PresentTranscripts", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
.present.transcript.clusters <- length(

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