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images in articles

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Wesley St.Clair

Dec 26, 2011, 4:10:23 PM12/26/11
Hi all,

I stumbled upon Armstrong CMS today and found in very interesting.  I am a Django developer professionally, and I also manage a newspaper website that is in dire need of a rebuild.  Hence my interest.

I am having trouble understanding how images can be linked to articles.  I see how to create an article, and I see how to upload an image using armstrong.apps.images.  How do I associate an image with an article?

Thank you for your help and for all the work you have done.  If I am able to use Armstrong CMS for my website, I hope I can contribute to the project in the future.


Travis Swicegood

Dec 28, 2011, 2:57:24 PM12/28/11
Hey Wesley;

Sorry for the delay in getting this email to the mailing list -- it's moderated for first posts to keep spam in check.

Regarding images -- that's currently being worked on.  Unfortunately, the original implementor for armstrong.apps.images didn't do everything that needed to be done to get the two wired up.  Jon C. was working on the integration between the two and has an open pull request[1], but I'm not sure what the state of that work is.  I'm also not sure what Jon's schedule is this week with the holidays, but hopefully he'll chime in with an update.


Travis Swicegood | @tswicegood (most everywhere) | Senior Open Source Engineer @ Texas Tribune / Armstrong | 512.693.7051

Brent O'Connor

Dec 28, 2011, 3:00:28 PM12/28/11

Articles on the Tribune and the Citizen have images in articles. What are you guys using?


Sent from my mobile phone, so please be a little more forgiving about spelling, typeos and grammer errors. :)

Travis Swicegood

Dec 28, 2011, 3:02:15 PM12/28/11
We currently use something that integrates with TinyMCE, something we can't ship with Armstrong because of licensing concerns. :-/

We're slowly in the process of swapping out our admins for everything that's in Armstrong, and moving to CKEditor is on that list.


Travis Swicegood | @tswicegood (most everywhere) | Senior Open Source Engineer @ Texas Tribune / Armstrong | 512.693.7051

Brent O'Connor

Dec 29, 2011, 6:11:43 PM12/29/11
So you have to know the full URL to the image? Or do you have a way to browse and then select available images? Can you upload new images from add new articles pages?


Sent from my mobile phone, so please be a little more forgiving about spelling, typeos and grammer errors. :)

Wesley St.Clair

Dec 30, 2011, 4:44:31 PM12/30/11
After my original email, I did some more looking at the code and came to the conclusion that I can bind images (or videos or whatever) to an article using the related_content app, then display the images next to the article in a slide-show fashion.  Am I misreading the intent of the related_content model, or is this the kind of thing it was written for?

I can see now that what I was envisioning (which is a direct replacement for functionality on my current website) offers far less flexibility than the images ckeditor plugin in progress.

Jon Cotton

Dec 29, 2011, 7:29:37 PM12/29/11
to Armstrong News Platform
@Brent - armstrong.apps.images includes a CKEditor plugin that
provides a method to browse for available images.
You can't upload new images from another location such as when
creating or editing articles. Doing that would require integrating a
rather large view into a CKEditor UI. Images are more than just a
file; they are first-class content items with sections, authors,
publication status, etc.
@Wesley -Images are linked in two ways. First is via CKEditor where
images are placed and styled inside of textareas like an Article's
summary or body text. The second way is by using an Image and Related
Content. The common case here is attaching lead art to an article.
The current pull request fixes a few things with the CKEditor plugin
integration and makes the widget process a bit more flexible.
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