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Astronomy Night: Saturday, 8/17

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Jeffrey Alexander (Arlington Astronomy Nights)

Aug 15, 2024, 7:44:03 PM8/15/24
Hey folks,

The next Arlington Astronomy Night will be this Saturday, August 17th, starting at 7:30pm in Robbins Farm Park. Weather permitting, we'll be observing the Moon! The Moon will be nearly full, though not entirely, offering views of most of the Earth-facing side.  We'll focus on the dividing line between light and dark where we'll see shadows and depth in the craters. If you came to look at the moon a couple months back, come again to see what's different now.

Moon rise is a little before 7, so you could also come early to watch the Moon come up.

If you have a telescope, tonight’s a great night to bring it along — the Moon is a great target in any telescope!

Hope to see you there under clear skies!


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