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Astronomy Night: Saturday July 14th

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Jeffrey Alexander

Jul 11, 2018, 9:44:39 PM7/11/18
Hi all,

We’ll be holding the next Arlington Astronomy Night this Saturday, July 14th, at Robbins Farm Park. We’ll get started as the sky begins to darken, around 8:30 or so. As the Sun sets, Mercury, Venus, and the Moon all follow it below the horizon, leaving us with a dark sky. Jupiter will be high in the South, and Saturn will be rising in the East.

You can find all the information about Astronomy Night at

Please note: it will be dark in the park! Bring a flashlight, but please keep it aimed at the ground while you're in the park. Parents, please help your children remember this rule. It takes your eyes a while to adjust to the dark, and you'll see more in the sky once your night vision is working. Keeping your flashlight pointed at the ground helps everybody keep their eyes adjusted to the dark. Red light doesn't hurt night vision as much so a red flashlight or red cellophane over a flashlight helps a lot! Consider using bug spray too.

Hope to see you in the park under clear skies!


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