Re: [london] preconfigured ARK

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Guy Hunt

Apr 16, 2013, 1:49:22 PM4/16/13
to Gunder Varinlioglu,, L - P : London
Hi Gunder,

You don't need to have a dedicated "server" to run ARK. You can install the ARK on one of the project computers and this then becomes the ARK server. Other computers on your local network (eg WiFi) can then connect to ARK and work on the data. ARK is fairly light, so you should still be able to use the computer that is the ARK server.

Another option is to take a dedicated server. This can be pretty much any computer you like, but the Mac Mini Server's make a nice portable option for this use. OSX is unix-like so installation is relatively easy. There are many other small form factor computers that could be considered, and ARK will install on Windows, although some areas of the code are less reliable (notably file uploads).

Give us a shout if you'd like some further info or tips on installing ARK.



On 16 April 2013 07:39, Gunder Varinlioglu <> wrote:

Dear ARK team,

I am considering using ARK for a small architectural and regional survey I am directing in Southern Turkey. I would like to inquire about the pre-configured ARK setup that you provide. Using ARK online running on your server is not an option during fieldwork, as our internet connection is limited to one computer (with limited data transfer capability). If I decide to use ARK, I am planning to buy a server. Before I go that route, I would like to know  what your pre-configured setup entails. Do you purchase the server in the UK, set it up and ship it abroad? Or is there any other way to do it?

Thank you very much

Gunder Varinlioglu

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Guy Hunt

L - P : Archaeology

L - P : Archaeology is the trading name of L - P : Heritage LLP  Registered in England and Wales OC366545
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Guy Hunt

Apr 16, 2013, 2:42:21 PM4/16/13
to Gunder Varinlioglu,,
Hi Gunder,

Well I am pleased to hear that someone you know has successfully set up ARK and is using it.

The whole point of ARK is that it can be configured to record virtually anything you want. It does not prescribe the fields, or what you should be recording, that is up to you. ARK has been used on many field survey type projects, but I don't have any sample config that I can give you. Someone else on this list might have an idea about a sample setup that you could share...

It is relatively easy to set up a field on ARK, but it requires a level of familiarity with a text editor and the way that ARK stores data. That said, duplicating an existing field is relatively easy.


On 16 April 2013 15:22, Gunder Varinlioglu <> wrote:
I have many more questions, as you might imagine. A friend of mine who uses ARK on a project gave me a preview today. But his was an excavation, so I could not see the survey component . Is there a trial version that can be explored using MAMPS or another such emulator? I also find several fields missing for my needs. How easy is it to add fields? Is that done through the interface or in the back end? I liked ARK on many levels, but I need to make sure that it is easily customizable (I do not have an IT on the team). 



Guy Hunt

Apr 16, 2013, 4:18:07 PM4/16/13
to Gunder Varinlioglu, L - P : Sysadmins,
Hi Gunder,

ARK is essentially blank. You then apply configurations to it to make it record what you want recorded. Configurations can be thought of like templates. You can either use the templates that we've made available on the website, or you could modify one of these default configurations, or you can write your own from scratch.

I haven't got any field survey type setups of my own, so we'd need to ask around to see if anyone else has written a setup that would suit your use. If your friend there has a setup that is close to what you want, we might be able to help you set up one or two extra fields.

What I mean by text editor is that the configuration files are text based (like notepad) and need to be manually edited using a text editor.

All the best,


On 16 April 2013 16:27, Gunder Varinlioglu <> wrote:
does that mean that ARK basically comes in as a blank platform? Do we set up everything from scratch ourselves? Aren't there templates that we can use? Since the example I have seen has been set up by a techie, my friend does not know how it looked in its first iteration. So I really cannot imagine what I should expect when I install it. Are there screenshots that you guys have created? 

What do you mean by "familiarity with a text editor"? Basic html?

I am sorry for the flood of questions. I am a bit confused. If there are online resources that you can point me to, I will be happy to consult them.

Thanks again.

Jess Ogden

Apr 17, 2013, 7:07:12 AM4/17/13
to, Gunder Varinlioglu
Hi Gunder -

To add to what Guy has already said - we have been in the process of updating our website for ARK recently and I mistakenly forgot to upload the sample config for ARK v1.0 to the examples post. I have now uploaded the files - for single context and stratigraphic units recording which we created as part of the v1.0 release:  Apologies for the confusion on that!

As Guy suggests, we do not as of yet have any sample config (readily available) for survey projects- although we have certainly had some in the past. If you are interested in contacting us off-list with regards to our ARK services - which include configuration - please feel free to get in touch.

Otherwise, perhaps someone on the list has config they wish to share?

Best wishes,
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