[ari air] ~ TODAY: NPR's All Things Considered: Leaving the Fold

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Ari Daniel Shapiro

Aug 8, 2011, 6:01:10 PM8/8/11
to ari...@googlegroups.com
And I just realized that another story of mine is airing on All Things Considered today.  I'll have the audio available on my website tomorrow as well.

New York City receives immigrants from all over the world, including … New York City itself.
A handful of young ultra-Orthodox Jews are struggling to leave their neighborhoods in Brooklyn to take up less religious or even non-religious lifestyles in other parts of the city.  This is the story of one young man who fought to leave behind the only world he knew.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Ari Daniel Shapiro <ari.danie...@gmail.com> wrote:
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President Obama and the EPA are looking to green jobs as a possible antidote to the high unemployment rates in the US.  But Spain provides a cautionary tale on how to execute this bright idea.

My story airs tomorrow on NPR's Morning Edition at 5.50, 7.50 and 9.50 a.m.  I'll have the audio available on my website after the broadcast.

In the meantime at www.aridanielshapiro.com, I've got a story about a snazzy red-and-black insect that's speedy in more ways than one.  It comes from the series One Species at a Time, and it aired on Living on Earth a few weeks back.


independent producer

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