Best Buddies Women in Leadership Conference

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Mr. Hausmann

Jul 15, 2017, 8:33:12 AM7/15/17
to ARHS Best Buddies
Happy July ARHS Best Buddies!!

1) So the Bravehearts baseball game was rained out. You can use your tickets at ANY future game.

2) Special Olympics Softball Tournament on August 22: 
  • ARHS is playing host to the 22 Unified and Traditional softball teams for games from 10-3pm
  • Our Best Buddies chapter and Unified Sports team have volunteered to organize and staff the concession stand
  • We are looking for volunteers and organizers (students or parents) to run this fundraiser. Reply to this message to Mr. Hausmann to offer help planning or staffing concessions.

3) Brand NEW Opportunity: Best Buddies Women in Leadership Conference

In friendship,
Mr. Hausmann and Mrs. Hynes
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